My New Orca Tl-450

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Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
West Mersea, Essex UK
Well...after reading the posts on this site and many others for the last 3 or 4 months, I finally bought a tank.
Set it up on Tuesday and let it run with Distilled Water only.
Added salt on Wednesday.
On Thursday, added cured live rock and live sand.
I had a few extra pieces of rock and they are sitting in the foreground until I decide where they will go.
Also ditched the ceramic noodles and bio-balls and replaced them with live rock rubble.
Today I ordered a Hydor Koralia Nano pump to increase circulation.....we'll see how it works out. is the comes the waiting game.

By the way....I found the first hitchhiker on my live rock.....I assumed it is a bristleworm so I left it in the tank.
Any ids?
Hi everyone...well things are going well with the tank. I installed a Koralia Nano Pump today to increase the circulation. Yesterday I added the start of my cleanup crew: 3 red leg hermits and 3 turbo snails (not sure what kind they are thought).

Every day I find more and more things moving and growing. I thought I would add some pictures. I don't know what some of the things are though.

Here is on of the snails munching away:

Here is one of the hermits:

Here is another pic of the hermit (is that a Stomatella snail to his right?)

Tiny little guy......copepod??
This thing is shaped like a barnacle, about 1 inch in diameter, but all I ever see moving is the two things that look like fangs. No fanlike appendage that barnacles use for catching food. Any idea what it is??

Lots of these things of various shapes showing up.....some type of feather duster worm? They are about 1/2 inch or less long.....


Not sure what this is either....or if it is alive...
This thing is shaped like a barnacle, about 1 inch in diameter, but all I ever see moving is the two things that look like fangs. No fanlike appendage that barnacles use for catching food. Any idea what it is??
View attachment 49502

Yeah I think I have something similar and have been meaning to ask the board what it could be.

It definitely lives in some sorto of encrusted coffin that I think it made and conforms to its living shape.

You know, I think it shoots out this web like substance that it trawls back in for feeding. How do I know? 1st there is this "webbing" constantly in its general vicinity, 2nd, a dead crab carcass which was on the ground below it, somehow ended up at the mouth of his "coffin". And then I'll see poofs of debris or sand shooting out from the corner of my eye sometimes, definitely coming from it.

Ive never seen the thing actually. Just two fangy things or antennae. It could be a worm or it could be some sort of crustacean.

Anyone know?
Yes, those are feather dusters, Beware though. I started off with one or two, now my whole tank is filled, not that i mind. They're awfully pretty, and they don't get very big.

Make sure you keep checking up on your levels :)
Looking good so far :good:
Nope...I know what a feather duster looks like and that aint it.

Ill take a snapshot and post it in "My Refugium"
Thanks Nemo! The levels are doing fine so far. Nitrates are at hanging around 5 though. I will probably do another water change and have a look.
Nice model! What are you going to keep in it?

Thanks nanocubeking.....I haven't decided for sure yet. Still thinking about it and looking at everyone's photos. For sure an assortment of corals, etc, and fish-wise, probably a clown or two and a Yellow Watchman Goby. I'll add to my CUC as well. :)
I have a wheeler's watchman on hold for me at my lfs. Watchman are such amusing little fish. (in fact all gobies are imo)

Errr piranha_trader what are you talking about?
Those couple pics definitely have feather dusters in them...
I have a wheeler's watchman on hold for me at my lfs. Watchman are such amusing little fish. (in fact all gobies are imo)

Errr piranha_trader what are you talking about?
Those couple pics definitely have feather dusters in them...

Talking about my own tank hitcher. He said 2 fangs and thats what it looks like in mine but Im pretty sure thats not what I have (featherduster).

It seriously throws out a net and trawls whatever it catches in it. Never seen anything like it. Its weird.
:shifty: I think there was a miscommunication. I don't think anyone meant that the strange creature with fanglike things is a featherduster. I think they were talking about the other pics....of the featherdusters.

Still have no idea what the strange thing is. Hmmmmmm
Did some micro-photography yesterday. :shifty:
Can anyone identify these new tank critters?

This worm is about an inch long and not much thicker than a hair:

Tiny little shrimp-like thing...about the size of a very small ant:

Lots of these guys crawling all around on the glass. About the size of a grain of salt:


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