My New Man!


Fish Gatherer
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score

My new man Cobalt! 
Very pretty :)
Thank you both - he has some red thro his tail too altho I couldn't manage to get a good shot of it!
I also need to do some work on picture sizing.
What's the advised size? It's ages since I've posted a picture! lol
Very handsome new man, you got there! :)  The name is very fitting! 
Picture size: it says you can load up to 2.93 MB of files, with a single file being up to 2 MB big. 
Thanks for that Meerestille and the help in posting it in the first place! It's only about 95kb but it still looks huge! lol
Ha ha, all the better to see him with (if you know the story of Little Red Riding Hood)! 
Very handsome fellow. I'll have to get some more photos of my Betta and post.
Meeresstille said:
Ha ha, all the better to see him with (if you know the story of Little Red Riding Hood)! 
Yes I do, thankfully he doesn't have big teeth! lol
Thanks brittgs! Post a link in here if you want to when you've got them. 
I ought to have included a picture of him when he first arrived - his tail and fins were much shorter then.

This was taken the day after I got him:

              then                                                now
Thanks DiddleBug - he is rather handsome!
He has beautiful coloring! I love the red bits.
Thanks scrage. He's still a juvenile (just) and his colour still isn't settled yet as he varies between royal blue and turquoise with those lovely red bits on his ventral fins and thro his tail altho you couldn't see that on the previous photos.
I've just managed to get this one altho it's a bow fronted tank so it's like a dual aspect photo. Not wonderful but the best I could do as soon as he stops swimming his tail relaxes and folds over the red bits!

Yes I know stick-on thermometers are no good but it came with the tank and I have a cabled one as well

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