My New Fluval Edge Journal

June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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ok haha no probz, yeah knowing my look will probs take forever... ha but worth it in the long run for the succes of the tank and health of the fish

Has to be easier than changing the water once or twice a day doing fish in cycling although at many stages of my cycling I did contemplate changing over! But then the snow came and before I knew it it was Christmas and shops locally stopped getting the deliveries as frequent and so on. Glad I did wait but I said if it wasn't done by after Christmas I was changing over
ok would you advise live or fake plants for a tank my size? does it add extra complications if they are live?

I'll have to let someone else jump in with the live plants thing :) I currently have fake plants by seduco in my tank which I think look good but you can tell they are fake. Want to grasp the fish before going into live plants. Although I think African cichlids will just eat real plants in no time. Can't remember where I heard that lol. Real plants do look awesom but I'd be interested to know what you have to do with them and the effects.

I may have abit of a look on the net got me thinking now haha
ok pal, cheers anyway i think i will look into artificial decor then lol. ill go shopping saturday :)

You can get some really nice artificial ones. I bought mine from dobbies when I noticed them but they were expensive. Probs cheaper online. With sydeco they seem really good quality with good bases. Many many different designs. I think sea pets online a little selection dobbies seemed to stock loads. (the one I go to)

I'd also look into real plants if you fancy a challenge will be cheaper I suspect and look natural :)
think ill research it and the commitment required, i will also look online like you just said =D

Just had a quick search on net this shop has a wide selection of them not sure if they are the cheapest but gives u an idea of the designs you can get. Also thinking about it I think pets at home stock some zydeco.
Sydeco plant shop

The links more to show you the range.
went in pets at home today during my free time at coolege.... was quite impressed think ill be paying a visit this saturday :) just testing water again will post results soon
went in pets at home today during my free time at coolege.... was quite impressed think ill be paying a visit this saturday :) just testing water again will post results soon

Did u look at real plants and plastic? What did u think? Did they have any of the sydeco in?

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