My New Dwarf Puffer

toby marine for sure (just googled them wow!) would you belive there is now about 10 guppys living with the puffer? this is not caused by me i didnt put them in there! the puffer is inside a 3ft tank and has his own little area at 1 side, my guppys have given birth (again!) and the babies swim through the holds in the mesh into his side lol, he doesnt chase them or anything....really odd i kind of wish he would at the moment mind!

ive a big problem....water parameters are all ok, but my puffer has gone of his food....i managed to get him onto frozen bloodworm but now he doesnt want to know it...ive already ordered some live bloodworm for him but the poor little guy is resting on the bottom just breathing....:( any ideas :blink:
When did you move him over?
could it be shock/depression from being moved?
get him some live food asap and see if that perks him up
ages ago now...its been over 2 weeks since he got moved (im pretty sure it has anyhow) he has been fine up untill these last couple of really worried :(
Whats the filteration like within the tank and does it manage to flow through the devide?

I find mine love to eat bloodworm,frozen or live, but they go through stoppy times, like pffft you give me frozen but i want live, and visa versa.

You say he's resting on bottom perminantly or sometimes?

what is the temp of the water? now i have mine in there own quarters with a huge filter ive turned the flow actually quite high and they are just loving it, wizzing around all of the place, this is not solely the flow :lol: they can become static if they want too, as when i feed the bloodworm they become like humming bird hoovvering under the pippete picking off the worms...

I do find however they will always take live as apposed to frozen, when i use frozen i just cut the cube, place in a cup with boiling water from the kettle, only enough to cover, then go for 5 mins coffee n fag, come back and just pipette out, easy..

in another tank i have a halfbanded eel, who up until one month ago only ate live bloodworm, finally after two years got him onto frozen, which he will take, but every so often turns nose up and leaves it for a few days...touch and go, i aim to have live on hand as much as possible
Hmmm. I'd run a set of tests on the paramerters again and O2. Is he gasping or just breathing normally?

If he's off his food again try the garlic juice soak to tempt him into eating again. It may be just the shock of the move (hopefully) as you know they take a while to settle in again. Do you have lots of hidey holes and plants in there to make him feel secure?
oh yes jennybugs

iam not up on the whole puffer scene, i remember when i got mine from "lilacamy931" she told me its not a good idea to remove out of water for air getting trapped, so i always catch mine in a tub if needed and obviously that way they never leave water, could that be a possibility if he was recently transfered?
i caught him in a bag :) he never came out the water, he has been fine and he has been eating fine aswell the temp is just between 27-28, the hiding spots he has LOADS i can get a picture (which i should have done by now lol) when he rests on the bottom he is just laying there...everything else about him is fine breathing and such, he also has his own little filter to help with the flow in his side so there is definatly enough water movment, also did the water checks again, its still fine....:( i kind of wish it was not so i could pin point the problem! ive not got any garlic so will have to buy some more, the bloodworm is juts on the bottom of the tank (frozen bloodworm not live) he has not touched going to remove it later and try again and just hope, and yes he was deworm im going to deworm this tank again though
:sad: thanks, i got really attached to the little guy aswell, i wish i knew what was wrong with him, im worried about getting anouther puffer, and i really liked my one :-( all the ones in the shop seem....well no personality :no:
If you get another I would strongly recommend just having him in his own tank. That's really the best thing as then you can rule out any issues being created by the other fish maybe.
If you get another I would strongly recommend just having him in his own tank. That's really the best thing as then you can rule out any issues being created by the other fish maybe.

oh trust me i did wonder as he started to go down hill in that tank! so think you could help me rule out what may have killed him?

he was eating but only nibbles at a time, maybe the odd bite of the bloodworm, although he did spit it out....the tank has some mopani wood in that i had never used before, the other fish seem fine mind! the ph in the tank sits at 7.5 (checked this when i last test the water a few days ago) the temp is siting on 27 exact now (maybe a water change caused the problem?) its heavily planted! i mean in his section there is about 5inchs by 5 inchs worth of sand room on the bottom! the plants/ornaments and so on come up to about half way in his section so it was very well made out for hiding, i tryed to remove all bloodworms at the end of each day. his filter was fully cycled along with the already fully cycled filter in the tank. i cant think of much else :( good thing i still have anouther tank just in case i do get anouther little puffer
Well it certainly doesn't sound like anything you've done wrong. It may well just be that he really didn't like the change to the partitioned tank. I have mopani wood in with my DPs and they don't mind it at all and the fact that the other fish were ok with it seems to indicate it was fine.
Sometimes these things come along to test us and we'll never know the reason why they died. I've lost some of mine (used to have 7 at one time) for seemingly unknown reasons and I try not to worry too much after I've checked out all the parameters etc.

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