My New Additions


sic itur ad astra
Jun 23, 2007
Reaction score
Bury, UK
Hi, not been online for a few days due to a computer virus but I'm back and have new additions!
On Tuesday 4 gorgeous 3" long Parachanna Obscura arrived :)

Obviously chances are I'll not keep all 4 forever but maybe a pair if I'm lucky. At present they are chilling out in the 2ft tank, already eating well and quite bold considering they've only been here a couple of days.

I've been fancying snakeheads for ages so finally took the plunge.

Nelly, I know you have one of these guys so any advice more than welcome :)
wahay you took the plunge, hehe these are beautiful fish to keep, had mine round 10 months now and he's been as good as gold, never kept more than one so couldnt say how they will get as they mature, there are some great people on guys have a wealth of knowledge,some keeping pair's who have bred them, good luck mate, i espect pitures :hey:
got some pic's of mine in the pictures section :nod:

oh yes click on video link below to see my parachanna obscura
They are off a guy who posts on the snakehead forum, so I daresay I'll be pestering him for advice along the way LOL. So far they are fascinating - one already the ringleader. It was the pics of yours that finally swayed me really - such a beautiful fish.

I've not seen them eat yet - I've put food in and left them too it and it has vanished but they are not quite bold enough to eat with the light on yet.

I'll get some pics over the weekend!
hehe yes they will wait til you go then bam......took mine two months to actually come out and act normal, now as you can see in the video he is constantly swimming around, hes thing,anything that hits the suface is fair game,and that includes my fingers,so if i do maintainence i put a peice of tubbing in first which he attacks on contact,then i can put my hand in without a problem,even stoke him sometimes,but its so quick you dont see him attack,just like in this video
WOW that was quick!

Thanks for the tip, the bit of tube idea sounds like a good plan.
Well I saw them eating last night in the light - they positively pounced on some prima! I'll get pics over the weekend.

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