My Juwel Rio 300 Journal!


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2012
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WOO HOO!! I got my Juwel Rio 300 today!! :drool: :hyper: and I couldn't be more ecstatic to finally get my upgrade happening! So this will be a little journal of my progress, feedback and thoughts :).

Update: Page 2 has my finished aquarium shots :)


Day 1

I've unpacked my beauty from its box and removed the internal filter (1: it doesn't look good in the tank, takes up too much room, 2: heard they weren't that good, so I went for an external). The internal filter was stuck on with 8 big blobs of silicon, wasn't as hard as I expected to remove which was great, if anyone wants to know how I did it please ask! :good:

Once that was complete, it was time to measure up and fit my Juwel 3D Granite Stone background! I had 2 pieces and I only had to "trim" off the sides and the edges to make it fit above the silicone in the tank. I used Aquarium Safe clear silicone and stuck the background on, I've placed some weight on the background overnight to make sure it catches onto the glass properly.

I also began to construct the cabinet however realizing the time (and that I have work tomorrow), that can be done at a later stage :p

I'm also floating some ideas and suggestions of how to scape my aquarium, I have purchased white sand, and I'm thinking of using slate and liveplants with a moss (such as riccia or java), maybe get some height towards the back as well, and possibly grow some moss on the 3D background.

I've attached some photos below for your enjoyment and feedback :hyper:

Juwel Rio 300 tank and cabinet, Fluval 406 and Juwel 3D Granite Stone Background, all packaged, ready to go!

Tank out of it's box... BEAUTIFUL! So big!!! :D

Tank after I removed the internal filter, looks so much better, it's opened up the space!

Weight placed onto the background to make sure the glass and silicone stick together.

Any thoughts, would love to hear from you! Thanks guys! Day 1 is over!

It's exciting getting a brand new scratch free tank isn't it! Are they 350l?
Nice tank. I also had an Juwel aquarium, the Vision 260. Beautifull aquarium, only the stability strip is very weak of Juwel aquariums. After a few months the kit was comming loose from the Vision 260.

I thought it is 300 liter. Because Juwel always put the liters in the name. Juwel Vision 180 is 180liters, Vision 260 is 260liters. Same is for the Rio's. But i could be wrong on the liters of the Rio.
The older 300 and 400 tanks were named after volume, but the new ones are both 50l larger.

I had a Rio 180 and it was an amazing tank no issues at all.

What's the planned stocking?
Hey you have your upgrade :) awesome news...

I had a Juwel rio 180, a vision 180, a vision 260 and now a rio 400 and iv had no issues with any of them. Absolutely perfect tanks IMO. If juwel made an 8 footer then id buy it but unfortunately they dont so i had to go to ND Aquatics... You will not be disappointed with your rio 300 :good:

And the volume on the rio 300 is 350 litres and the rio 400 is 450 litres as previously stated. The older models were 300 and 400 litres :good:

Good move on removing the internal filter.. Looking forward to seeing more pics :)
Nice tank. I also had an Juwel aquarium, the Vision 260. Beautifull aquarium, only the stability strip is very weak of Juwel aquariums. After a few months the kit was comming loose from the Vision 260.

I thought it is 300 liter. Because Juwel always put the liters in the name. Juwel Vision 180 is 180liters, Vision 260 is 260liters. Same is for the Rio's. But i could be wrong on the liters of the Rio.

That's a shame that you had problems :( my previous was a juwel and was all good :) the Rios now are 50l more which is great!!

The older 300 and 400 tanks were named after volume, but the new ones are both 50l larger.

I had a Rio 180 and it was an amazing tank no issues at all.

What's the planned stocking?

They are amazing including the warranty time :) German built stuff is generally good! Stocking at the moment is a community tank (same as my old one, transferring them
Over), white sand, slate and live plants (still deciding), at the moment I know I want Riccia or/and java moss, also some height towards the back. Any ideas?

Hey you have your upgrade :) awesome news...

I had a Juwel rio 180, a vision 180, a vision 260 and now a rio 400 and iv had no issues with any of them. Absolutely perfect tanks IMO. If juwel made an 8 footer then id buy it but unfortunately they dont so i had to go to ND Aquatics... You will not be disappointed with your rio 300 :good:

And the volume on the rio 300 is 350 litres and the rio 400 is 450 litres as previously stated. The older models were 300 and 400 litres :good:

Good move on removing the internal filter.. Looking forward to seeing more pics :)

Thanks man :D yeah juwel make great tanks! If only they did have an 8 footer, suggestion box? Lol! Mum
Actually said "I was expecting it bigger" in that case mother... :p hahaha!

Any ideas on some good plants to use? Have you uses Riccia or java moss? I want to create a bed of moss and some on the wall haha
Nice tank. I also had an Juwel aquarium, the Vision 260. Beautifull aquarium, only the stability strip is very weak of Juwel aquariums. After a few months the kit was comming loose from the Vision 260.

I thought it is 300 liter. Because Juwel always put the liters in the name. Juwel Vision 180 is 180liters, Vision 260 is 260liters. Same is for the Rio's. But i could be wrong on the liters of the Rio.

That's a shame that you had problems :( my previous was a juwel and was all good :) the Rios now are 50l more which is great!!

The older 300 and 400 tanks were named after volume, but the new ones are both 50l larger.

I had a Rio 180 and it was an amazing tank no issues at all.

What's the planned stocking?

They are amazing including the warranty time :) German built stuff is generally good! Stocking at the moment is a community tank (same as my old one, transferring them
Over), white sand, slate and live plants (still deciding), at the moment I know I want Riccia or/and java moss, also some height towards the back. Any ideas?

Hey you have your upgrade :) awesome news...

I had a Juwel rio 180, a vision 180, a vision 260 and now a rio 400 and iv had no issues with any of them. Absolutely perfect tanks IMO. If juwel made an 8 footer then id buy it but unfortunately they dont so i had to go to ND Aquatics... You will not be disappointed with your rio 300 :good:

And the volume on the rio 300 is 350 litres and the rio 400 is 450 litres as previously stated. The older models were 300 and 400 litres :good:

Good move on removing the internal filter.. Looking forward to seeing more pics :)

Thanks man :D yeah juwel make great tanks! If only they did have an 8 footer, suggestion box? Lol! Mum
Actually said "I was expecting it bigger" in that case mother... :p hahaha!

Any ideas on some good plants to use? Have you uses Riccia or java moss? I want to create a bed of moss and some on the wall haha

Haha in that case you should of gone for the Rio 400 instead lol only a foot longer :) I love mine. Iv decided to keep it when I get the 8 footer. My flowerhorn and ornate bichir can have the 5 foot rio and the dovii can have the 8 footer.

Iv not kept those plants no but I have heard that java moss is easy to look after. It's easy to get hold of and looks awesome too. It can grow out of control rather quickly though but I'm sure if you cut it down from time to time it will be fine :) iv only ever had amazon swords, vallis, twisted vallis, wisteria, cobomba and anacharis
ah, didn't know the Rio are 50liters bigger now. Thats better :) What kinda fish you want to hold in the tank?

In Holland i hear more problems of the stabilitystrip. But maybe i was unlucky :)
Haha in that case you should of gone for the Rio 400 instead lol only a foot longer :) I love mine. Iv decided to keep it when I get the 8 footer. My flowerhorn and ornate bichir can have the 5 foot rio and the dovii can have the 8 footer.

Iv not kept those plants no but I have heard that java moss is easy to look after. It's easy to get hold of and looks awesome too. It can grow out of control rather quickly though but I'm sure if you cut it down from time to time it will be fine :) iv only ever had amazon swords, vallis, twisted vallis, wisteria, cobomba and anacharis

Hahaha if only I knew mums reaction I so would have gone for the 400 haha :p But for my room the 300 is the perfect size :) that's awesome that you have an 8 foot AND a 5 foot!! Lucky you! (I'm sure I'll eventually get to that stage haha).

Nice plants, I'm thinking of having some vallis towards the back of the tank for height, are they easy to maintain etc? What type of care do you take for your plants (like Co2, fert. etc.?)

ah, didn't know the Rio are 50liters bigger now. Thats better :) What kinda fish you want to hold in the tank?

In Holland i hear more problems of the stabilitystrip. But maybe i was unlucky :)

Much better :) haha. I'll be transferring the ones from my old tank to my new tank (list below), and I want to get more as well, I saw some at the shop so need to read up on them on here.

- Glo Barbs
- Guppies
- Mollies (maybe????)
- Peaocks
- Electric Yellow (although they are african I don't think I can keep it in the tank)
- Dicus
- Angels

Going to pick some from that list I think, i want some really colourful fish that stand out, any ideas?

Day 2 and 3

Left the silicone for the 3D background to continue to set.

Day 4

Morning and Afternoon

I built the cabinet which I purchased with the tank and washed/rinsed my sand in a big tub! I also took the weights off the background as it would be set by now.

When my parents get home shortly I'll need there help to lift the tank on to the cabinet which is now in my room :) (with a little bit of re-organizing of my furniture!). In the mean time I'll be setting up my Fluval 406 External Filter :)

I'll be placing the clean sand into my tank, if I feel I need more to scape with I'll buy another bag tomorrow (along with live plants and slate), if not, I'll fill up my tank tonight with water (do my chemicals etc) and leave the water to warm overnight. Then I'll head over to the shop to purchase my live plants and slate, transfer all my filter goods and fish to the new tank and we're done!! :) (fingers crossed it all goes to plan!)

I've taken photos of the progress below :good:

Cabinet built (doors closed) :)

Another cabinet shot (doors open)

Cleaning the sand in a huge tub! (doesn't look big in the picture, but it is) :p

Tank with Juwel 3D Stone Granite Background, I will be covering the 'joining line' in the middle with plants


Parents helped me pop the tank on top of the cabinet, I then transferred the sand into the tank by using a small bucket (as the large tub was too heavy to carry inside!), after that we got the hose from outside and put it through my window and filled up it up! I placed a bucket in the middle to avoid the sand going everywhere in the water! Worked well :lol:

I then popped the heater on, added the water conditioners and turned on the T5 lighting and WOW was it bright!! There are 2 Day lights and 2 Nature lights, I'm going to probably swap 2 of them for blue moon lights as 2 day or nature lights was enough brightness! (has anyone has any experience with these types of lights or submersible LED lights? I want something which looks pretty cool at night!) :hey:

I've temporarily moved the cabinet which my 60l tank was on and turned it on its side (you can see the power cords etc.. in some of the pics) so that will be leaving soon! Also, my feature wall colour looks terrible in the photos but it's actually nice in person lol, thinking of painting it back to it's original white though....

Anyways, what a long (but rewarding and exciting) day today has been! Enjoy the photos below, as always, will update with the next progress :good:

Tank and cabinet in my room

Filled up with sand

Filling up my tank with water from the hose outside (lucky it reached!)

Water, Sand and 1 set (2 lights, x1 day x1 nature) of T5 lighting switched on :) those 'dark spots' in the sand are air bubbles which I will remove.

I think the tank looks great, can't wait to add slate, live plants and of course the fish!! :)
Valis is very easy to care for. I don't use anything like Co2 or ferts. Never have. I just have the lights on a timer set to come on for 5 hours a day and that's it. Never had any problems with any of the plants iv had and all have grown well. I have black Limpopo sand in my tank now, when I was using Argos play sand it was more dense than the Limpopo and the plants didn't grow as well in it
Valis is very easy to care for. I don't use anything like Co2 or ferts. Never have. I just have the lights on a timer set to come on for 5 hours a day and that's it. Never had any problems with any of the plants iv had and all have grown well. I have black Limpopo sand in my tank now, when I was using Argos play sand it was more dense than the Limpopo and the plants didn't grow as well in it

Awesome!! I'll have a go with just the normal t5 lights it's got :) see what happens lol.

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