Fish Crazy
Hi : )
I've just introduced myself here and I thought I'd try to explain myself. So Here's my story about my first experiences with a sub-tropical tank...
So I kept Goldfish as a kid. I tryed my best with them. I kept normals, Shubunkins, fantails, Black Moors and a Weather Loach named Dog. I just couldn't keep the Fantails alive no matter what I did. And the two Black Moors I tryed to keep both died the same day I brought them home. After a while I gave up after even my favourite Shubunkin got ill. I was very upset that I'd managed to kill so many Fish after I thought I'd tryed so hard to keep them right. And for years I couldn't think of keeping Fish again.
I now realize that it was probably a combo of crappy local water and a tank that was probably too small.
Fast forward to when I move my GALS into another tank and I am then left with an empty tank. Despite everything I still wish I could have Fish, I often watch them swimming around in the petshop I go to and wonder where I went wrong. So I deside to try and find out. I deside to learn more about Fishkeeping and with one thing tending to lead to another with these things I was soon looking up particular Fish species, their care etc. I print out loads of info on general care, tank care, plant care, water care and species care. I read it all over again and again. It gets quite exciting, you know?
So I deside to clean and perpare the empty tank.
I take it outside and scrub it down, getting all the dirt and algae and slime off it from the Snails living in there. I soak it in a Milton souloution all day and then scrub it again with some more. I get it all sparkly again and then deside to re-seal it, just in case. I bring it inside, fill it up, leave it a week and then empty it, move it to where it'll live and fill it up again, but this time with gravel, and plants and a bit of tree! That took a week but I kinda enjoyed it 'cause it was a sunny week that week... I got very wet though and must have stank of Milton!
I leave it for a week to Fishless cycle. Stupedly I know now that a week isn't long enough and so no doubt that was my first big mistake.
I go and bring home four 'Male' Guppies and a single Platy who was all by her self in the tank next to the Guppy's. All was well... till I saw that one Guppy was infact female. Well, not the end of the world. So I read up on pregnancies, birth and after care.
A week later I bring home three more female Guppies so that Gem wouldn't get harrased by the boys. I also bring home two more Platies. One male and one female. Again all seems fine untill three days later. The male Platy is poorly. He's hiding, sitting his belly on the gravel. I take him out of the main tank and wonder what's wrong with him. The next day I can see the dreaded 'cotton wool' on his tail. A tiny bit up his back. No sign of rot so maybe it's not that bad? I get the only treatment I could find in a hurry, Methyline Blue, and treat him with that. But he only gets worse. After finding out that it's Columnaris I'm dealing with and not just some 'everyday' fungal infection I then deside to dose the whole tank. Better safe than sorry, right?
Two days afterwards and poor little Mouse, the Platy, is no better. He's breathing irregular, practically on his side and the 'cotton wool' has spread to further up his back. His tail is a mess. Then he starts tencing up and I can see he's in pain. I couldn't sit and watch him like that so in the end I descided to put him to sleep. I'm not sure if I can say how I did it on here, but I knocked him out with a certain oil before using a certain large eletrical aplience.
My poor little Mouse.
A few days later and everything seems fine. Fish are all happy, eating, pooping, flirting... Happy days.
A week later and Sunny is poorly. He's sitting on the gravel and just looks so knackered. But this time I'm determined not to loose. I managed to get hold of Myxazin and dose the whole tank straight away. Sunny in a breeder net hung in the tank so I can keep an eye on him, everyone else in the main tank. I try to keep him eating. He loves bloodworms so I gave him an extra share to try to keep him going. But it's not looking good. He's not moving, his breathing is fast, fins are back and down, he's practically on his side... he's a sad boy. But he doesn't give up, and the day after the first treatment I catch him trying to swim! He hasn't got much energy, bless him, but he's trying!
Every day he trys harder to swim. He seems to make it a challenge to try to swim higher and higher.
And then I come down stairs to find Bluey. He's gone. No warning, no signs. It was a shock.
But a week later and there have been no more deaths and no signs of illness. And best of all my Sunny boy is doing much better : ) Swimming around, breathing normal, eating again, pooping fine... So I do a very risky thing. I put him back in the main tank. He starts swimming around, greating the other fish... flirting with the girls ; )
I continue to treat the whole tank for the time it says to on the bottle before stopping.
Since then there have been no more signs of illness, no more deaths, no more 'cotton wool' anywhere... I've never seen my Fish so happy : )
The End.
I'm glad this story had a happy ending, but it's left me worrying about a lot of things and wondering about a lot of things too.
Mouse must have been ill before I brought him home, but he seemed fine when I was watching him in the petshop. Was there something I could have done to prevent him from becoming so poorly? I realize that the MB was next to useless but it was all I could get hold of there and then. I'm asking myself did I make Mouse ill?
Sunny never showed any signs of columnaris other than he was behaving the same as Mouse. He never displayed any 'cotton wool' anywhere. But the Myxazin obviously did something and did it fast. So even without the outward signs could he still have caught Columnaris or was it something else that I was just seeing as Columnaris because at the time I was obsessing over it?
Non of the other fish ever got poorly or showed any signs of having something wrong (other than they didn't much like it when I first put the Myxazin in the water, but they got used to it). Even Bluey seemed totally fine. But is there a chance that they all now have it in them somwhere? As a dormant state. Is there a chance that it could come back and they'd all get ill? Is there something I can do to try and stop it?
I was putting salt in the water, just a tiny bit, to also try and treat it. But all the fish got very upset with it so I took it back out.
I'm curently doing a water change every day while the new filter cartridge has chance to mature and the bacteria lost during treatment has time to recolonize the tank. I'm treating the water with Safe Guard as I put it in the tank, I'm putting Safe Water in the tank every day after the water change and feeding the plants every two weeks with aquarium plant feed. I have natural gravel with a peice of bog wood and all the plants are live. That's it really.
I use a fifty to twohundred litre filter turned up half way between the two. That fills the whole tank with tiny, tiny little bubbles and creates water movment. But there are places in the tank where the Fish can rest without having to fight a current. I have a aquaglow light on eight hours a day on a timer.
Now that I've had to deal with all that in just a short time after trying again with Fish I'd like to start getting it right now : /
I've just introduced myself here and I thought I'd try to explain myself. So Here's my story about my first experiences with a sub-tropical tank...
So I kept Goldfish as a kid. I tryed my best with them. I kept normals, Shubunkins, fantails, Black Moors and a Weather Loach named Dog. I just couldn't keep the Fantails alive no matter what I did. And the two Black Moors I tryed to keep both died the same day I brought them home. After a while I gave up after even my favourite Shubunkin got ill. I was very upset that I'd managed to kill so many Fish after I thought I'd tryed so hard to keep them right. And for years I couldn't think of keeping Fish again.
I now realize that it was probably a combo of crappy local water and a tank that was probably too small.
Fast forward to when I move my GALS into another tank and I am then left with an empty tank. Despite everything I still wish I could have Fish, I often watch them swimming around in the petshop I go to and wonder where I went wrong. So I deside to try and find out. I deside to learn more about Fishkeeping and with one thing tending to lead to another with these things I was soon looking up particular Fish species, their care etc. I print out loads of info on general care, tank care, plant care, water care and species care. I read it all over again and again. It gets quite exciting, you know?
So I deside to clean and perpare the empty tank.
I take it outside and scrub it down, getting all the dirt and algae and slime off it from the Snails living in there. I soak it in a Milton souloution all day and then scrub it again with some more. I get it all sparkly again and then deside to re-seal it, just in case. I bring it inside, fill it up, leave it a week and then empty it, move it to where it'll live and fill it up again, but this time with gravel, and plants and a bit of tree! That took a week but I kinda enjoyed it 'cause it was a sunny week that week... I got very wet though and must have stank of Milton!
I leave it for a week to Fishless cycle. Stupedly I know now that a week isn't long enough and so no doubt that was my first big mistake.
I go and bring home four 'Male' Guppies and a single Platy who was all by her self in the tank next to the Guppy's. All was well... till I saw that one Guppy was infact female. Well, not the end of the world. So I read up on pregnancies, birth and after care.
A week later I bring home three more female Guppies so that Gem wouldn't get harrased by the boys. I also bring home two more Platies. One male and one female. Again all seems fine untill three days later. The male Platy is poorly. He's hiding, sitting his belly on the gravel. I take him out of the main tank and wonder what's wrong with him. The next day I can see the dreaded 'cotton wool' on his tail. A tiny bit up his back. No sign of rot so maybe it's not that bad? I get the only treatment I could find in a hurry, Methyline Blue, and treat him with that. But he only gets worse. After finding out that it's Columnaris I'm dealing with and not just some 'everyday' fungal infection I then deside to dose the whole tank. Better safe than sorry, right?
Two days afterwards and poor little Mouse, the Platy, is no better. He's breathing irregular, practically on his side and the 'cotton wool' has spread to further up his back. His tail is a mess. Then he starts tencing up and I can see he's in pain. I couldn't sit and watch him like that so in the end I descided to put him to sleep. I'm not sure if I can say how I did it on here, but I knocked him out with a certain oil before using a certain large eletrical aplience.
My poor little Mouse.
A few days later and everything seems fine. Fish are all happy, eating, pooping, flirting... Happy days.
A week later and Sunny is poorly. He's sitting on the gravel and just looks so knackered. But this time I'm determined not to loose. I managed to get hold of Myxazin and dose the whole tank straight away. Sunny in a breeder net hung in the tank so I can keep an eye on him, everyone else in the main tank. I try to keep him eating. He loves bloodworms so I gave him an extra share to try to keep him going. But it's not looking good. He's not moving, his breathing is fast, fins are back and down, he's practically on his side... he's a sad boy. But he doesn't give up, and the day after the first treatment I catch him trying to swim! He hasn't got much energy, bless him, but he's trying!
Every day he trys harder to swim. He seems to make it a challenge to try to swim higher and higher.
And then I come down stairs to find Bluey. He's gone. No warning, no signs. It was a shock.
But a week later and there have been no more deaths and no signs of illness. And best of all my Sunny boy is doing much better : ) Swimming around, breathing normal, eating again, pooping fine... So I do a very risky thing. I put him back in the main tank. He starts swimming around, greating the other fish... flirting with the girls ; )
I continue to treat the whole tank for the time it says to on the bottle before stopping.
Since then there have been no more signs of illness, no more deaths, no more 'cotton wool' anywhere... I've never seen my Fish so happy : )
The End.
I'm glad this story had a happy ending, but it's left me worrying about a lot of things and wondering about a lot of things too.
Mouse must have been ill before I brought him home, but he seemed fine when I was watching him in the petshop. Was there something I could have done to prevent him from becoming so poorly? I realize that the MB was next to useless but it was all I could get hold of there and then. I'm asking myself did I make Mouse ill?
Sunny never showed any signs of columnaris other than he was behaving the same as Mouse. He never displayed any 'cotton wool' anywhere. But the Myxazin obviously did something and did it fast. So even without the outward signs could he still have caught Columnaris or was it something else that I was just seeing as Columnaris because at the time I was obsessing over it?
Non of the other fish ever got poorly or showed any signs of having something wrong (other than they didn't much like it when I first put the Myxazin in the water, but they got used to it). Even Bluey seemed totally fine. But is there a chance that they all now have it in them somwhere? As a dormant state. Is there a chance that it could come back and they'd all get ill? Is there something I can do to try and stop it?
I was putting salt in the water, just a tiny bit, to also try and treat it. But all the fish got very upset with it so I took it back out.
I'm curently doing a water change every day while the new filter cartridge has chance to mature and the bacteria lost during treatment has time to recolonize the tank. I'm treating the water with Safe Guard as I put it in the tank, I'm putting Safe Water in the tank every day after the water change and feeding the plants every two weeks with aquarium plant feed. I have natural gravel with a peice of bog wood and all the plants are live. That's it really.
I use a fifty to twohundred litre filter turned up half way between the two. That fills the whole tank with tiny, tiny little bubbles and creates water movment. But there are places in the tank where the Fish can rest without having to fight a current. I have a aquaglow light on eight hours a day on a timer.
Now that I've had to deal with all that in just a short time after trying again with Fish I'd like to start getting it right now : /