My evil zebra danios bit my neon tetra's tail off!


New Member
Dec 9, 2003
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today I looked in to my tank, and one of the neon's tail is almost missing.
I think the Zebra Danios nipped it off, but the other neon's tail is fine.
Will the fin grow back? Is there anything I can do?
Yes, the tail should grow back fine. I recently bought some glow lights and didnt notice their poor little tails were hardly there(im guessing cus they were putting them with agressive nipping fish). I also had a poor baby cory i bought with a circular bite out of his top fin (i had to save him)....stupid walmart. Luckily i don't have agressive fish so it gave both my cory and tetras time to heal and their tails and fins are fully back and they swim perfectly. I didnt add any medicines(i didnt even know i should have), and mother nature worked out for me :nod:
Hope all goes well! :)
Thanks! it's a comfort and alot of help, but sadly the one with the tail gone died today. ㅜ.ㅡ

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