My Baby Arrows


New Member
May 14, 2012
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hey all im new to this site and figgerd i would say hi
this is a vid of my baby monster fish there in a 75g right now and are gowin in a 125g soon i have the tank stand and lights heaters the only thing i cant figger out is do i use a sump filter setup or a canaster...any input
plz dont be like thos guys on mfk that say my redtail is gonna outgrow my arrows and eat them lol i have had people tell me arows are a main part of a red tales diet lol
i feed my guys twice a day once in the am and at night they get market shrimp and krill...i also give them snaks inbetween meals they love peas and cucumbers... blood worms crickets eartth worms i give after water changes and after a few changes they seem to know there gonna get a snake lol so there not as stressed when its done i do 2 25% changes a week
also this vid a few weeks old and the baby arrow is out of the breeder net and dowin fine im gonna be posting some more vids soon
thanks for watching this is the link bye all
crap and i put this in the wrong spot lol
The red tail may not outgrow and eat the aro's but your definitely guna need a bigger tank than 125 gallons. Red tails need around 1000 gallons to themselves (ideally more, around 1500) as tey can reach 4 feet in length and they grow quickly if fed properly.... Very quickly. As do silver arowanas. Around 1-2 inches per month. You could keep a single aro in a 125 gallon although not for life. They ideally need a tank around 8 foot x 3 foot x 3 foot. This will give them enough room to turn. You should be ok for a few months with a 125 gallon
hey thanks for the the answer
yea red tails and arrows do get big but they will be fine in the 125 for awile
and iv been looking into plywood diy tanks on youtube they look prity eazy to build so im gonna build one of them prb closer to winter
im not shur how big im gonna go with it yet but thats what the plan is
I will be impressed should you be able to pull this off but these kind of fish are a big responsibility.

You are right in a sense that these will be better off in a 125 but they do grow fast they are big big fish I know you know this but I think you are seriously teetering on the brink of a disaster.

My biggest critique of anything around this tank would be you, you have dismissed a whole forum expert in keeping these big fish and just carry on down your route. Its really blinkered.

For me if your committed to these fish build your plywood tank now there is no reason to delay really? Its just one of those things that will get pushed back and back and your fish are still not in a suitable home. Speaking from experience (though my "end game" tank was 135 gallons) it is hard to find space and money for these things life gets in the way, cars, rent, burst pipes etc. And then the actual time and ability to build the thing, dont underestimate how hard they are to do because its often only one small hole that destroys it.

Sorry to put a downer on it but you need to realise what you have taken on. If you get through it and get your 1000+ liter tank it will be incredible and I will be the first one to say amazing tank because it will be but your a long way off that yet.

Also an other reason to get your big big tank sooner than later is at the very least the Oscars, growing at an inch per month and given when your planning to build at the moment they will hit maturity and not be in a tank big enough to deal with two teenage oscars...

Have to say though your tiger oscar is very nice and I like the branches :) Also be careful not to over feed, ambush predators like Arrows wont eat every day naturally but if given things they will. I think 2 times per day is a bit much, the Oscars will build up a fatty deposit which is never good.

hey wills

no worrys on the tank build its gonna happen i was talking to my wife last night about selling the 55g and seting up the 125g i have to talk to the landlord about the plywood tank beaing how heavy its gonna be i need to know if the floor is gonna hold it.... as for the build its self im looking at around 300$ for the build thats for the tank and stand the glass is gonna coast me prity much nothing cause theres people on cragslist sellin leacky tanks all the time for cheep ill get a 125g for like 20 bucks cause a side is broke or it leacks
the only thing im worred about is the filter im thinking of 2 55g fish tanks sump pump filters under it shuld do the trick anyone that reads this plz let me know what u think a good filter setup im tinking its gonna be 60in long 38in wide 3 feet tall

this is gonna be what i go by when i do my build exp im gonna make it 3 feet tall and use a diff filter system
>trying to post what im gonna build i might have to do it a few time lol cause i dont know how to put up a pic lol

ok not shur how to put a pic but theres a link
>trying to post what im gonna build i might have to do it a few time lol cause i dont know how to put up a pic lol

ok not shur how to put a pic but theres a link

Not quite sure you get the point here.

Your "designer tank" is still nowhere near enough to home an RTC, and Arowana!!

Just another one of these "my planned tank.. blah blah" stories, then 99.9% of the time never happen.
Why kid yourself?
IMO the only home suitable for a RTC is in the wild or a VERY large pond/pool or a tank of those sizes.
Not talking hundreds of gallons, but thousands.

Do yourself and the fish a favor and move them on to someone who has suitable housing for them.

As for people telling you the RTC will outgrow the Aro, they are correct it most likely will, and there is VERY high chances it will try to eat the Aro/s
Its amazing how big these Red Tailed Catfish grow, from those tiny babies available inthe shops. Here's one that Jeremy Wade caught... He seems to end up with them on his fishing line on pretty much every Amazonian "River Monster" quest!

>trying to post what im gonna build i might have to do it a few time lol cause i dont know how to put up a pic lol

ok not shur how to put a pic but theres a link

Not quite sure you get the point here.

Your "designer tank" is still nowhere near enough to home an RTC, and Arowana!!

Just another one of these "my planned tank.. blah blah" stories, then 99.9% of the time never happen.
Why kid yourself?
IMO the only home suitable for a RTC is in the wild or a VERY large pond/pool or a tank of those sizes.
Not talking hundreds of gallons, but thousands.

Do yourself and the fish a favor and move them on to someone who has suitable housing for them.

As for people telling you the RTC will outgrow the Aro, they are correct it most likely will, and there is VERY high chances it will try to eat the Aro/s
I have to agree :( how many people do we have turn up on here, going on about their baby aros/RTC/shovelnose and how "it's going into a massive tank", "I'm building a huge tank next summer", but they never come back, do they? We never actually see any of these fish in their new custom tanks, do we? :-(
If I'd built a massive tank suitable for an aro or an RTC, I'd be spamming pics of it all over the forum :rolleyes:
hey fluttermouth,nobody of the goat and gasmask
hey guys i do understand ur consurns about people sayin stuff that there never gonna do like this build of mine but iv been wanting to do this for awile
and everyones on this form is right i didnt have the time untill about a month ago see everyone im a iron worker and have been putting up buildins for the past 6 years well about a month ago a peace of sheet meatel fell and cut my pinky finger str8 to the bone cuttin every nurve and tendent so im gowin for the 2nd surgery next week where there takein some peaces out of my leg and putin them in my fingger lol fun fun that said ill be out of work for a few more months this is the perfict time for me to do this build and once i start ill post pics every steep of the way
ill link a pic of my poor pinky at the end of this post

and rtc do get big i do understand this but a rtc is not goona get as big in a tank as one in the wild... my tank is gonna be 55in by 48in thats dame near 4foot bye 4foot thats plenty room for the arrows and the tiger shovelnose hybrid

4 foot wide would be ok but its going to have to be a lot longer than 4 or 5 foot long. You'd be lookin at around 8-10 foot long ideally. The red tail itself can get 4 foot long and very chunky
Its amazing how big these Red Tailed Catfish grow, from those tiny babies available inthe shops. Here's one that Jeremy Wade caught... He seems to end up with them on his fishing line on pretty much every Amazonian "River Monster" quest!


yea i watched every season on net netflix
RTC do not "grow to tank".
They WILL grow very large. Will it grow to it's full potential in a 4 x 4? Most likely not, but you are purposely stunting it.
Why would you want to do that?

4ft length is no where near enough. The Aro will very likely grow to 2.5-3ft (possibly more) giving it just 1ft space? come on man think about it!
Don't fall into the trap that leaves your fish in a world of hell, and you a world of guilt when you can't get rid of it.

Another point here is your Silvers are very different in size.
Mixing 2 Silvers together VERY RARELY works out, and even more so when one is much smaller! Imagine the territorial disputes they are going to have in a 4x4!

Intentions are one thing, but you need to be real here.
My opinion? You have bitten off way more than you can chew.
Change the cat for something smaller such as a Zebra shovel nose, or similar, and build or buy a 8x3x3 for it and the Aro to have a somewhat "better" life!
Hey good luck with your tank build man hope it all goes well for ya. Personally I don't think LFS should be allowed to stock things like RTC and silver arrows. There the sort of fish that should be left in the wild in my opinion. But maybe that's just me. Or people should at least need some sort of licence to buy and own monster fish like these.

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