Video My Angelfish Have Spawned


Fortune favours the brave
Mar 5, 2010
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:drool: :good: :hey: :lol: :good:
i told you it wouldnt be long before they spawned for you ;)

what are your plans for the eggs? are you going to try and raise a few?
well for the first spawn im gonna leave the eggs in the tank and se if they look after them then once fry are eating ill most them to my shrimp tank

btw they are till at it i would say 250+ eggs now
they should look after the eggs, they did for me.... although it depends on tank mates :crazy: if the angels feel threatened with other fish about then they will probably eat them!
i used to get about 500-600 eggs every 2-3 weeks from that pair :good:
did you ever raise the fry mate? to be honest the tank mates only come into their bit every half hour to be annoying but everything seems to be ok so far
i got the fry to the free swimming stage but never raised any to sell or grow on. it only takes 2 or 3 fish to approach them from different angles and at least 1 gets a mouthfull of eggs...... the angels raised the fry to the free swimming stage when they were in their own tank with no threats but unfortunately i was too busy with my corys and didnt have any spare tanks or time tbh to raise the angel fry.
when they were in the com tank the eggs just dissappeared over night.....!
in that case would you suggest i move them all over to my shrimp breeding tank?
shrimps will enjoy the eggs too im affraid.... ideally the angels need their own tank to do it safely then remove the fry when free swimming to a small tank of their own with no competition for food. the other thing with angels is that when they are about a month old they are quite big as they grow fast with the right diet and when they are getting big and growing they need lots of room so they dont become stunted and become deformed. if they do you wont sell them on unless whoever buys then doesnt know about stunting... this is another reason i didnt have room or tank space as 200-300 fry soon need a few 4/5 feet tanks to grow up in to become real nice shaped fish!
im hoping to take them to the LFS if they will take them (thats if i get them to survive)
im sure they will take them but they are not big money earners im affraid... i was offered about £1 each for sellable sized fish as they only sell them on for £3 ish each or 3 for £6 etc.
to grow them up you will need a small fry tank with mature filter as any ammonia will kill them at such a young age. then after 3 weeks they will need another tank that can accomodate the surviving fry/juvis and that wont stunt them, again mature. then to sell them at 2/3 months old is when you will get about £1 for them. to get more for them they will need growing out in as big a tank as possible so they reach about the size i sold them to you at. at the minute fish that size are demanding £15-£20 each so you will probably get £5-£7 each but it takes alot of daily water changes and good quality food as well as time.
seems a lot of work for little return i might aswell keep and bring 2 up and just let the rest get eaten i suppose
even bringing up a handfull will need daily water changes and feeding 3x per day. the daily water changes are to remove any uneaten food to stop the water going bad. if put in with other fish they wont have any chance of getting food... it is a lot of hard work raising fry especially from egg laying fish and the return isnt great...
my corys which are hard to get at the minute take 3 months before they are at a sellable size and then each fish is about £5, so think about the dechlor,water,food care and time involved its not a huge money soinner im affraid.
do you still want a group of the corys by the way?
of bronze mate (cant remember what they were) ive got 5 now mate ;) got 5 for £6 right bargain hunter me
of bronze mate (cant remember what they were) ive got 5 now mate ;) got 5 for £6 right bargain hunter me
i have peru gold stripe and green stripes available as soon as they are big enough. they are all in together so dont know how many of each until they grow a bit and colour up. currently about a month old
depends how much you want for them mate i could handle another 5 :D

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