My 200L Community (Low Tech)


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2013
Reaction score
So finally posting pics up!

My setup:

Fluval Roma 200
2x T8 (6500k + 10000k) + 2' LED bar
APS 1000EF ext filter (Awesome filter by the way!)
Air pump and stone (which I never have on...)
300W AquaZonic heater

4x Clown Loaches (3 Borneo, 1 saddle-stripe Sumatra)
8x Neon Tetra
3x Albino Cory
1x FM Bristlenose Pleco
2x Bala Shark
1x Royal Red Dwarf Gourami 
2x Yamato Shrimp 
I know there's some stocking issues here which I aim to resolve after xmas (Bala sharks and Clown Loaches)
Here are some more pics...







Upcoming changes are;
Get rid of that rock with the hole in,
Add more plants!
Maybe move 1 of the pieces of Bogwood to split the sand/gravel substrate apart
Great pics! Especially love the 5th one.
Glad you already know what needs resolving :)
Are you going to end up adding more cories?
Thanks! I do love that clown loach!
Yeh this forum has taught me loads!
Yeh when the clown loaches and bala sharks are rehomed to my local fish farm i shall double the numbers, maybe add another 3 peppered corys as well
CrimsonBoli said:
Thanks! I do love that clown loach!
Yeh this forum has taught me loads!
Yeh when the clown loaches and bala sharks are rehomed to my local fish farm i shall double the numbers, maybe add another 3 peppered corys as well
To get a proper group of the cories you want to add their own type, so more albinos (or bronze or green, they're both corydoras aeneus)
Ninjouzata said:
Thanks! I do love that clown loach!
Yeh this forum has taught me loads!
Yeh when the clown loaches and bala sharks are rehomed to my local fish farm i shall double the numbers, maybe add another 3 peppered corys as well
To get a proper group of the cories you want to add their own type, so more albinos (or bronze or green, they're both corydoras aeneus)
Ah ok thanks I thought Peppered was also the same. Shall look into it more
I was going to say add more plants, but you already know what's going on.  Nice job!  I love the gourami btw.  How old is he?  Does he have a name?
NeonBlueLeon said:
I was going to say add more plants, but you already know what's going on.  Nice job!  I love the gourami btw.  How old is he?  Does he have a name?
Yeh more plants will be added this weekend or next! Thanks. I'm not 100%, we brought him fron the LFS about 2 months ago (He's my GFs fish) but no telling on how long he's been in there. He's about 6-7cm. He does but I cant remember what her indoors named him...
Beautiful tank so far. I'd love to see and update! Hopefully with more plants. Any ideas on further stocking the tank?
Fish__Fanatic said:
Beautiful tank so far. I'd love to see and update! Hopefully with more plants. Any ideas on further stocking the tank?
Thanks! Yeh I have changed it a bit since these pics and will have some up this weekend.
Once the Bala's and the loaches have been rehomed... Thinking of adding to the Neons, maybe having 16 in total. After that im not too sure!
Once the Bala's and the loaches have been rehomed... Thinking of adding to the Neons, maybe having 16 in total. After that im not too sure![/quote]

Sounds like a great idea! The current neons looked great; building up a bigger school would be wonderful!

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