Fish Fanatic
So finally posting pics up!
My setup:
Fluval Roma 200
2x T8 (6500k + 10000k) + 2' LED bar
APS 1000EF ext filter (Awesome filter by the way!)
Air pump and stone (which I never have on...)
300W AquaZonic heater
4x Clown Loaches (3 Borneo, 1 saddle-stripe Sumatra)
8x Neon Tetra
3x Albino Cory
1x FM Bristlenose Pleco
2x Bala Shark
1x Royal Red Dwarf Gourami
2x Yamato Shrimp
I know there's some stocking issues here which I aim to resolve after xmas (Bala sharks and Clown Loaches)
Here are some more pics...
Upcoming changes are;
Get rid of that rock with the hole in,
Add more plants!
Maybe move 1 of the pieces of Bogwood to split the sand/gravel substrate apart

My setup:
Fluval Roma 200
2x T8 (6500k + 10000k) + 2' LED bar
APS 1000EF ext filter (Awesome filter by the way!)
Air pump and stone (which I never have on...)
300W AquaZonic heater
4x Clown Loaches (3 Borneo, 1 saddle-stripe Sumatra)
8x Neon Tetra
3x Albino Cory
1x FM Bristlenose Pleco
2x Bala Shark
1x Royal Red Dwarf Gourami
2x Yamato Shrimp
I know there's some stocking issues here which I aim to resolve after xmas (Bala sharks and Clown Loaches)
Here are some more pics...

Upcoming changes are;
Get rid of that rock with the hole in,
Add more plants!
Maybe move 1 of the pieces of Bogwood to split the sand/gravel substrate apart