Moving rescue betta from bowl to proper aquarium - Need help


New Member
Aug 4, 2019
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Hello: My first post and its a lengthy one:

Yesterday I "adopted" a betta fish (Gilbert) from someone who had kept him in a bowl (no heater, no filter - just a few large rocks and a plastic plant) for the past 1.5 years (she rescued him after his previous owner moved and abandoned him).
My goal is to move him to a 20long that is currently one week into cyling - it will be a few weeks before this will be ready.
I have an established 10gallon that currently houses my two assassin snails. It housed my previous betta who passed away a few months ago. It has a heater, an HOB filter, a few baby java ferns, decorations, etc. It also has cyanobacteria (yuck) that I remove with the weekly water change, and the odd wriggly planaria, scud, detritus worm.
My concerns:
• If I transition him to my current 10gallon, he will need to be transitioned again to the 20long when it is ready in a few weeks or so.
• Gilbert has spent his whole life in this small, unfiltered bowl. I am concerned that if I put him into the 10gallon, he will not have the swimming ability to get to the top of the tank or to deal with a current. Is this something I should be concerned about?
Should I first transition him into a 5 gallon? If so, I would need to buy a one - would I also need to acclimate that or could I just buy Betta water and fill it up with that, or use the municipal water (conditioned, of course) that he currently lives in?
• I have used our well water in the 10gallon and the newly set up 20gallon Long. It has a pH of 7.6 but is very hard GHd 286 ppm (16Dh?), Kh 120. Right now he is in municipal water. I can acclimate him using the drip method - is that sufficient?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I wouldn’t be concerned of swimming problems but that depends on the tail type he is. If it is a longer tail type he might have a little trouble, but bettas are smart. He might bite off his tail if he has trouble swimming. I would just turn the filter on lowest flow and slowly increase it. I would go straight to the ten gallon. Well water is good but beware of big storms, unwanted bacteria and other nasty things may contaminate it. Drip method is fine.
Hello, and welcome to the forum! :hi:

Good for you! I really like it when a betta gets rescued! Everyone counts! ;)

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Mr Cover, Mr Gill Cover, please report to the side of the fish's head

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