Just abit bored lol and was just wondering what people think is the most aggresive fish for an aquarium?
if you want a piranha tank, just get a bunch of bleeding heart tetras. Pretty much the same thing only less messy, smaller, and easier to feed. Piranhas are actually really, really boring and unrewarding fish to keep imo.One day I will have a piranha tank, and I don't no tbh lol more aggresive fish amuse me more they seem to atract me more than peaceful ones do
I've never heard the term "tank buster" used on a fish literally meaning that the fish breaks the tank. It's always used as a term to describe a fish that is common in trade and grows to a size too big for a common person to keep in their home. (oscars, pengasius catfish, redtail catfish, shovelnoses, wolf/jag cichlids, arowanas....... too many to name)Dovii cichlids.. Also known as the wolf cichlid. And they have made a name for themselves which is "the tank buster" because they ram the tank and are so big and powerful they have been known on a few occasions to break the glass. The most aggressive cichlid hands down. A male can get to around 24-28 inches. It's also rated as most aggressive cichlid in the top 21 list. Absolute beasts.... A piranha to them is like a guppy
(unless it's a dinofish with a rock for a forehead or some sort of space age fish that has gained the technology to forge steel helmets used to escape from human captivity, which is unlikely because any fish that smart would know that it'd just be screwed once the tank is broken)