Overlooked fish

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Fish Crazy
Aug 10, 2022
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I'm wondering what fish people think are either overlooked or underrated.

In my opinion glass catfish (Kryptopterus vitreolus) are an incredibly overlooked fish. I think it's because they seem quite colourless and boring in fish stores. They however are a incredible nocturnal fish, being really quite active and interesting to watch.
many people don't know there are two very similar fish, one from Africa, one from Asia
The asian ones look cooler.


People may overlook Asian glass cats, but ich always finds them in stores, it seems. It's a great fish, but very prone to parasites if chilled.
Asian Glass Cats are really cool and not hard to find . I see them around my backwater occasionally which is something . Another nice fish you don’t see much is the Mesonauta Festivum cichlid . This is a cichlid I would definitely like to have . They’re kind of an Angelfish crossed with something else in appearance and not so big that you need a huge aquarium for them .
Asian Glass Cats are really cool and not hard to find . I see them around my backwater occasionally which is something . Another nice fish you don’t see much is the Mesonauta Festivum cichlid . This is a cichlid I would definitely like to have . They’re kind of an Angelfish crossed with something else in appearance and not so big that you need a huge aquarium for them .
We used to call them the poor man's angelfish.
Another nice fish you don’t see much is the Mesonauta Festivum cichlid . This is a cichlid I would definitely like to have . They’re kind of an Angelfish crossed with something else in appearance and not so big that you need a huge aquarium for them .
Festivums, or at least the fish we called Festivums since my childhood, are now known to be six different species of Mesonauta whose differences are subtle. One of them retains the name, M. festivus. They are great fish and truly impressive when they mature. Usually not too hard to find, if you're not fussy about which of the six you want.
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Ditto about “festivum” cichlids (Mesonauta).
I would say that all Hemiodontidae (perhaps excepting H. gracilis), as well as most Anostomidae , AKA Headstanders (except the few common Leporinus) are also super interesting and under appreciated fish.
Skirt tetras.

People trash them all the time, but they make for impressive sized tetras and look sharp in a blackwater setup. They are also very wide ranging for temperature from really cold setups at room temperature to warm setups.
I'm going to throw Malawi Cichlids into the ring as a whole, especially in the UK. Dwindling amounts of them in stores and tiny numbers when they do come in, I think people find them intimidating (I did for years) but in reality they have been easier than American Cichlids and probably a similar amount of research.
Another nice fish you don’t see much is the Mesonauta Festivum cichlid . This is a cichlid I would definitely like to have .
No sooner do we mention them and wetspot adds them to their list this week, M. festivus. Wetspot has offered 5 of the 6 Mesonauta species correctly identified in the past several years. They also added Drape Fin Barbs, Oreicthys crenuchoides, which we were discussing in another thread.
Asian Glass Cats are really cool and not hard to find . I see them around my backwater occasionally which is something . Another nice fish you don’t see much is the Mesonauta Festivum cichlid . This is a cichlid I would definitely like to have . They’re kind of an Angelfish crossed with something else in appearance and not so big that you need a huge aquarium for them .
I HAVE both Mesonauta Festivum and Mesonauta egregius and i find the m. egregius far nicer for various reasons. I like them so much i'm raising 40 from a recent spawn (mine spawn every month or so). The m. festivum are a lot larger; less colorful and more something or other - they tend to spread out more than the m. egregius - i guess i would call the festivum anti-social ;)
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