Molly pregnant too long


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Jun 28, 2023
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Hi there! I'm at my wits end about my fancytail molly who has been pregnant for more than 4 months ( this is not her first birth, had her almost 2 years ) & now in a bigger tank then original. Anywho, she's never done well in the breeding box and seemed to do okay even with the pesty males bothering her ( last time I put her in the box she somehow escaped?!) My last male has sense passed away so there's no one to bother her ( tank mates are the same tetras and corycats ) she's been laying on her side for 2+ months I've tried feeling her belly a while ago and it was solid and now I've noticed it's squishy and there seems to be red spot from inside appearing.
Really tempting to just squeeze her at this point lol, I feel so bad for her, been letting her stay free and been adding plants like crazy , there's more hideouts than there was during her last pregnancies so not sure why she's just not having it this time. Anything I can do to assist ?
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Oh my goodness...please don't squeeze her! Im not convinced shes pregnant, more likely full of parasites or bacterial infection 😳
Hello Jamie. What's your water change routine for this tank? If you suspect a problem, most times you can get your fish healthy again by simply performing a bit larger water change and make the new, treated tap water a little warmer than normal. It wouldn't hurt to add a bit of standard aquarium salt to the water too. One tablespoon in every five gallons of water should help. Mollies are very particular about the cleanliness of their tank water. Feed a little frozen food after changing the water. Sally's San Fran is a good product.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
It could be a tumour, cyst or bad case of intestinal worms. I would deworm them first and if it doesn't make any difference, then it's probably a tumour and there's no cure for that. You just leave the fish until they stop eating or can't swim properly, then euthanise them.

Don't put gravid (pregnant) fish in breeding nets or traps, it stresses them out. Just leave them in a well planted tank and scoop the babies out when they appear.

See section 3 of the following link for treating fish with intestinal worms.
The pregnancy of a molly takes longer than of a guppy. But I don't think she's pregnant at all but that she's dealing with an internal problem instead.
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She's been like this throughout multiple water changes sense I do a few a month depending on parameters. All fish well, and yes I use salt once a while . Again going off of every fishes health , I buy plants every week just for her yet she'll lay in open spot in middle of tank . She's had multiple batches of fry with less plants so not thinking that's the issue . Especially sense it's now a bigger tank with more hideouts.. hmmm


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She's been like this throughout multiple water changes sense I do a few a month depending on parameters. All fish well, and yes I use salt once a while . Again going off of every fishes health , I buy plants every week just for her yet she'll lay in open spot in middle of tank . She's had multiple batches of fry with less plants so not thinking that's the issue . Especially sense it's now a bigger tank with more hideouts.. hmmm
Doesn't look good. And she's been on her side all the time now...?
Fish don't just lay around ☹️ looks awful. I hope she's going to pull through
Mollies aren't pregnant for four months. The max gestation period is 70 days.

Instead of rejecting the fact there is something else going on, try to get her some help or she is going to die. When I first started fishkeeping I had a guppy that was extremely bloated like that for over two months. She died eventually. I cut her stomach open and it was empty.

Also, healthy pregnant fish don't go about lying on their size.

The first thing I would do is test your water parameters, then go from there. Are all the other fish acting normally?

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