missing thread


Fish Guru
Jan 26, 2008
Reaction score
Perth, WA
I did a thread (see following link) a while back and I can no longer access it.

When I go to the page, I get the following message.

Tropical Fish Forums - Error
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

Any idea what happened to my thread?

For anyone who wants to know what is was about, it was a joke.

2 fish were in a tank. One says to the other, "How the hell do you drive this thing?"
I don’t think we’re allowed to post jokes any longer.
Well if the mods have removed it I want to know why. It is not racist or sexist or defamatory.

Hey moderators, what happened to my joke?

Have you banned jokes from the website now, because if you have, I might do a Nick and go elsewhere.
A while back, the mods removed many threads made by multiple users in general chat. This action was taken because of three things:

1. The mods started receiving increasingly frequent complaints about inappropriate content in joke and funny story threads in general chat.

2. The vast majority of threads the mods viewed and discussed did indeed contain inappropriate content.

3. There were a LOT of threads, most of which were several months old with no replies. Due to how many threads there were and how many were known to be problematic, all of the joke and funny story threads were removed.

If all of the posts had remained both fish-related and family-friendly like the thread in question, then this type of blanket action wouldn't have been necessary. However, that was unfortunately not the case. As a result, some posts that would have been ok in isolation may have been removed along with the rest. The removed thread in question is one such case. Users were asked to refrain from continuing the joke trend in order to avoid a repeat of the same situation.

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