
New Member
May 27, 2020
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Hi All,

just purchased this male betta fish. Meant to be a half moon dumbo. Lovely color, never seen one like this before.

since I purchased him this afternoon. I’ve taken him back to the tank and he just sits at the bottom. Not once in the 4/5 hours has it actually swam. I put some flake in to see if he reacted to food and didn’t even flinch.

have I purchased a sick fish?


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Hes beautiful. Just to clarify...he hasn't moved at all since you introduced him?
He’s moved. But on the bottom. Literally got a net to see if I could move him. Went up for air then popped to a different bottom section of the tank. There only 6 tetras in the 100litre tank and him. Does it look like he has fin rot or is he all good?
His fins could look like mild fin rot.

He might be stressed from the tetras, bettas really are a solitary fish. Some people seem to have success but the fish release allomones and pheromones into the water that stress each other out and have long term effects on their health when kept together
Just to add to what JuiceBox has mentioned... You also have to consider the fact that the fish was just introduced to your tank. The whole process is VERY Stressful for fish.. Being netted in the fish store, transported in a plastic bag and dropped into a strange and unfamiliar tank that has other fish in it. It is very common for new fish to stay towards the bottom of the tank when they are first introduced into a new tank, and it can take several days/weeks for them to settle in and feel comfortable in their new environment.
Just to add to what JuiceBox has mentioned... You also have to consider the fact that the fish was just introduced to your tank. The whole process is VERY Stressful for fish.. Being netted in the fish store, transported in a plastic bag and dropped into a strange and unfamiliar tank that has other fish in it. It is very common for new fish to stay towards the bottom of the tank when they are first introduced into a new tank, and it can take several days/weeks for them to settle in and feel comfortable in their new environment.
Ok they are both correct. I have 2 male betta with other fish. But you have to know your fish AND have AMPLE hiding for betta for him to feel safe.

Also he probably has at the least internal parasites if from mass breeder.i medicate ALL FISH I get. When people get a dog from pound the dog gets lots of shots for health ect. I do the same for my fish.

Also he is going to take a few days to get used to new tank and rowdy tank mates arnt helping.

Don't be discouraged DONT OVERFEED.
I have housed this male w guppies, cherry barbs, gold rams and tetra.

They feel safe when touching plants or something. Like an old school gangster that likes to sit with back against wall in crowded room. Maybe that's why I like betta. Lmfao

Bettas want to hide and lay on stuff. HE WILL LAY ON BOTTOM DON'T PANIC. They are lazy. Look at mine laying on a food lid I use to change bubble flow on sponge filter.


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Thanks pal! Really helpful. I’ve had a male before and he was like ready to rumble as soon as I put him in which is what made me think - what should I medicate with? Guessing if I medicate I should take out the carbon in my filter
Thanks pal! Really helpful. I’ve had a male before and he was like ready to rumble as soon as I put him in which is what made me think - what should I medicate with? Guessing if I medicate I should take out the carbon in my filter
Yes take carbon out. I personally don't run carbon in any tanks. But I keep on hand for a few reasons. One being to take meds OUT of water.

Here is picture of meds I use on ALL NEW fish. I got from aquarium co-op. He did cool video on how to use.

don't over medicate. I only dose once then let tank sit for a week then waterchange. Package says re dose a few days in BUT unless you changed water in those days DONT ad more meds. .

Get a terra cotta pot from home depot for like .75 cents. But hot glue bottom hole for safty reasons. But he will love cheap cave


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Don't add chemicals to a tank unless you know what the problem is.

Just test the water quality and make sure it is perfect, (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, less than 20ppm nitrate, pH close to 7.0).

Give the fish time to settle in and recover from being moved and stuck in a new tank.
Yes take carbon out. I personally don't run carbon in any tanks. But I keep on hand for a few reasons. One being to take meds OUT of water.

Here is picture of meds I use on ALL NEW fish. I got from aquarium co-op. He did cool video on how to use.

don't over medicate. I only dose once then let tank sit for a week then waterchange. Package says re dose a few days in BUT unless you changed water in those days DONT ad more meds. .

Get a terra cotta pot from home depot for like .75 cents. But hot glue bottom hole for safty reasons. But he will love cheap cave
Oh yes, Cory’s trio. I love Aquarium Co-Op but they will try to sell you everything. You really don’t need all of that. Do daily water changes of 75% for 2 weeks. Add aquarium salt at 1 tablespoon per every 5 gallons. :). Tank is cycled, right?
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