Looking For Help


New Member
Apr 22, 2016
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I'm hoping that someone can help me figure out what this lump is on my guppy. I've been looking, thinking maybe its a tumor, but I just want to hear some others opinions too. Please, if you know what this is let me know. Thank you!    
Was it like that when you got it, or did it just develop?
Hi there,
Sadly, I definitely think that looks cancerous :(
You could try treating the fish with an antibacterial medication, like Escha 2000 or Myxazin (I'm in the UK, I'm not sure what medications are available to you in the US); don't bother with Melafix or Pimafix though.
Apart from that, there's not a lot you can do except euthanize the fish if you feel it's suffering; we can advise you on humane methods of euthanasia, if you get to that point :(
fluttermoth said:
Hi there,
Sadly, I definitely think that looks cancerous

You could try treating the fish with an antibacterial medication, like Escha 2000 or Myxazin (I'm in the UK, I'm not sure what medications are available to you in the US); don't bother with Melafix or Pimafix though.
Apart from that, there's not a lot you can do except euthanize the fish if you feel it's suffering; we can advise you on humane methods of euthanasia, if you get to that point
Thank you so much!

I found that I can get those medications off of Amazon. The little guy has not changed his behavior at all and is very active, so I assume he still feels fine.

For future reference, I would like to know how to humanely euthanize my fishes.

I really appreciate your response, again thank you.   

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