Looking For A Centerpiece Fish


Mostly New Member
Oct 10, 2013
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Ihave a 26 gallon (24x14x20) community aquarium with a pleco and 4 danios.

What would be the best centerpiece fish, iam currently thinking of either a..

-honey gourami
-opaline gourami

What is your centerpiece/favourite fish in your tank and what would you recommend?
What kind of pleco do you have, may I ask? If you don't know and can get a picture, I'm sure someone could ID it for you.
What kind of danios do you have? Again, a picture would help someone to ID it if you don't know.
The reason I ask is zebra danios, which are common for people to get, actually prefer a bit cooler temperature than the tropical fish you are looking at for centerpieces.
They also would really do much better in a longer tank because of how active they are. Most say 4 ft, and others say you can get away with 3. Also should be kept in groups of 6+.
I'd say an angelfish wouldn't be a good fit for this size tank, they get quite large and need a tall tank, though I think the height of yours is just about right.
Opaline gourami can get up to 6", and apparently should be kept in no less than a tank with the dimensions of 36"x12"x12". (Taken from seriouslyfish)
Going on all that..I'd say honey gourami would be the best fit. They're quite lovely and stay a reasonable size. :)
I hope I didn't come off as harsh in any way, I don't mean to. Just wanted to give you some stuff to think about.
Yeah, I agree with NInj that neither of the fish except for the honey gourami are suitable for your tank size. 
Honey gourami IMO would be the best centrepiece fish for your tank :)
I'm doing a bit of moving round between tanks in the New year, I'm looking at a honey gourami too, its a similar tank size and will be with neon tetra's and a BN plec.
Would one Honey be the best thing to do or should they be pairs/groups?
simplyfish said:
I'm doing a bit of moving round between tanks in the New year, I'm looking at a honey gourami too, its a similar tank size and will be with neon tetra's and a BN plec.
Would one Honey be the best thing to do or should they be pairs/groups?
For gouramis usually I'd say single or a trio, but pairs can work. Have heard that honeys are very docile compared to other gouramis so may have a better chance doing them in a pair than some others :)
Would depend a bit on tank size too though, to make sure you have room for more than one.

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