Looking For A Betta:)


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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would like to know where i could find a wild betta fish, willing to pay that bit more if they are more costly. i've not noticed any in any fish stores so far.
does anybody know where i could get one on the internet.

thanks ! :good:
read my mind! :p i've been searching all over google, cant seem to find a proper dealer of them, just keep coming across pages telling me info about them. cant actually find a site where i could buy one, i was wondering if anybody knew of any web sites in particular that i could get one from :')
No, sorry man! Just keep mooching about on the Internet and just ask around, good luck buddy!
aha i thought ebay :) but didnt know if they would be the most reliable in delivering my fish :p lol
thanks verminator :)
I'm looking myself now, and getting really quite addicted to the look of some of the wild Betta's, so much more appeal than shop bred 'show' specimens!

Betta 'strohi' <---DROOOOOLL :p

the_fish_hut (eBay user name), have a search. Has some nice Bettas.
i like them alot more, they are a lot more appealing arent they :)
i searched ebay, can only find pairs i was originally looking for just the one. but im starting to think a pair would look great in my tank :D
And if you can breed them then your onto a winner there also. You could even sell me a pair cheaper because i helped you find them (worth a shot).

Well they certainly are more appealing. My only qualm now is that where i am currently i'm only going to be having a planted tank, and Betta's don't do well in planted tanks with lots of water turnover. I learnt from experience, i bought a beautifull purple (of all colours) male plakat...he wen't 'carpet surfing' as the_fish_hut call it. Haha.

Will have to see how my tank turns out, but i'd be very tempted if i could make it work myself!
aha oh yeah 'carpet surfing' i always have some kind of fear that some of my fish will do this in the night and i will wake up to find a dried out fish at the back of the tank in the morning lol!

i was planning on a south east asian biotope, well mainly fish from thailand, and plants from various parts of south east asia :)
i think now i know what i want, definately a wild betta pair now :) and i will up the shoal of lampchop rasboras i have, i wanted some bottom dwelling fish too was thinking khuli's or chain loaches, but i would need to keep them in big numbers to make them happy and i would probably end up over stocked so i will probably just substitute them for a bigger shoal of lambchops :)

and yeah if i manage to breed them i would sell you a pair, because im nice ;) and your nice for helping me find them in the first place lol! :good:
Result :) Ha :lol:

Chain loach, as in dwarf chain loach...are skitso fish. I love them! Had a group couple years ago, initially one but he looked lonely so i got him some buddies and well. It was absolute mayhem, good mayhem though. Just a really chaotic, over active bunch of loonies darting about the tank. Then at the click of your fingers (not literally) they would ALL stop in cohesion and just relax. Odd fish, but totally amazing.
yeah i heard how crazily active they can be, i bet theyre entertaining to watch :) i'd love to keep a nice big group of them one day :)

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