Livebearers: Breeding and rearing guide.

:crazy: Thats A lot of info, I have been done with livebearer bredding for a while now but I am sure that will help the newbies :) Thanx ~ Scarlet
My swordtail has given birth in the last 2 days I can see 2 fry hiding in the plant at the back are they likely to survive is there anything i can do to raise their hopes of survival and what should i feed them ?????
Congrats on the new :fish:

Finely crushed flakes are good for them to eat. If your tank is heavily planted with places for them to hide that will help survival. You can also put them in a seperate tank or get a net breeder that hangs in the tank to seperate them from the adults.
Hi Meg here.
I am new to the forum. I hope you will bear my questions. I have mollies and have had no problems breeding them. What I want to know is how long does the pregnancy last?
Thanks alot
Guppy breeding situation....Guppies are supposed to breed every 28 days.....and I have two females that have done so in the past. However, I put them into separate breeding/floating tanks for over two months - both looked very bloated and ready to have babies....but no babies ever emerged. Females, still bloated, are now swimming in tank with enlarged belly. Will these two ever have more babies? Anything I need to do to get the process started? Any advice would be appreciated....wlc
billincarync said:
Guppy breeding situation....Guppies are supposed to breed every 28 days.....and I have two females that have done so in the past. However, I put them into separate breeding/floating tanks for over two months - both looked very bloated and ready to have babies....but no babies ever emerged. Females, still bloated, are now swimming in tank with enlarged belly. Will these two ever have more babies? Anything I need to do to get the process started? Any advice would be appreciated....wlc
I've heard that livebreeders can hold on to the fry longer and even absorb them if the water conditions aren't right or if they are stressed. I'd test the water, and maybe release them back into the big tank to try to reduce stress, and keep an eye on them.
Here is a topic I made about breeding guppies ;) There is a lot of information that will help...

Guppy Breeding and Looking after the Fry

Here is a bit on the delivery date:

Delivery Date

*I find this to be a very good idea* Mark the date of delivery on a calendar, and after 25 days you should start rechecking your female for signs of delivering fry once again. Depending on the tank temperature the female guppy can repoduce every 25-90 days. Generally the higher the temperature the faster the females eggs mature.
Ahhh, just what I've been looking for. :p
Thanks, very easy to follow and should get be on my way!

i dont know if this has been answered before but i was wondering if all that breeding info also aplies to mollies or is it just for guppies??

Wonderful article thanks, you have answered most of my questions.

We are new to the fish scene & have had fish in the tank for 3 weeks now, 2 plats, 4 mollies (2 black, 2 silver marble), and 1 algea eater.
It's been trial and error so far and have had some trouble up to this point finding answers to my many queastions. Great site with some very helpful information.

Anyway, one of my mollies gave birth yesterday evening...14 fry and still counting. We have a 20 gallon tank and didn't know that livebeers breed like mad. What do we do with all these fish now?
Number one hint for baby fry....FEED THEM ALOT! I started with 13 dalmation molly fry, and I was only feeding them once every other I do for the adults. Well, needless to say, I am down to two. However they are doing GREAT and are fed like twice a day. Dont worry, they WILL eat the food, they are little finned vacumn cleaners. :thumbs:
Help! I just bought some fish for my son's new 10 gallon tank...It's only been 5 days since we brought them home, and the "dalmation" fish has a huge tummy! I can only imagine that she's pregnant but she has gotten so big, so fast, how long does it take before she gives birth?
Cut back on the feeding angila - the last thing you want is for the fish to die in the 10 gallon tank have you read this article: Cycling Your Aquarium . Extra feeding could have lead to the increase in size, however, the fish may well be pregnant. Whilst it is impossible to know how far into the pregnancy she is, without a picture or anymore details other than the fact she has a "huge tummy". It could be anything from hours to 20 days. Can you get a photo?

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