Live Streaming Of Brisltenose Tank


Here to help
Apr 10, 2012
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Hey all, I have a pair of bristlenose that are showing signs of ready to spawn so I have setup a little camera in my shed with live streaming and thought maybe some people might be interested in watching it.
Simply just click HERE and watch if you like :)
Username is 5teady
Pass is bn
Can you let me know what the streaming is like please?
I recommend changing the quality on the tab on vid to 40% too

^^ yeah its pretty laggy i would say its like photos being taken and then put in a slide show.
could you teach me how to set up that? it would be nice for when i go to uni 
thanks for the feedback guys, its running at 30fps im on a very fast broadband and my mate has just tested it whos only on a 8meg broadband and his was running smoothe too.
I may have to limit the amount of users able to connect maybe that's slowing it down for others, it just had 19 people connected at once

mike455555 said:
could you teach me how to set up that? it would be nice for when i go to uni 
Its very simple, you just need to install software on your pc/laptop and leave your pc/laptop webcam looking at the tank, or whatever you want as it can be used for security too and it does motion detect too, download yawcam (its free) and just follow the instructions on the web page, very simple, you can even watch your home or garage like cctv  and view it all on your mobile phone as well :)
thanks i'll give it ago it sounds good =] 

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