Lily Rose's 64L Tank Cycle

North Wales is truely beautiful. went as a child and never forget the water running "uphill" on one of the snowdonia passages...was freaky!!
anyway, good morning guys and gals. this mornings results are:

Ammonia 0ppm
nitrates ..5ppm
pH 8

The tank has cleared this morning, i can see the back! lol
Good evening. Here are this evenings exciting results....
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 5++ppm
Nitrate 20ppm
pH 8.2

I had meetings this morning so testing at 11 not 9

todays results were
ammonia 0ppm
nitrite 0.50ppm!!!!!!
nitrate 80ppm
pH 8
First drop off the nitrite spike cliff it looks like, that's good news if it keeps happening. Maybe you folks in south wales could make money shipping the rest of us your water that seemingly has good supply of Nitrospira in it. :lol:
Wish I could Darling.. but I can't....we are all a bit soft round '
Anyway, not sure if that a good thing or a bad!

just a many times should it nitrites drop to 0ppm, before i ammonia dose at 4ppm again?
This evenings results
ammonia 1ppm!....usually returns to 0 after 12 hours!!!!!....maybe the late dosing this morning @ 12pm?
nitrites 5++ppm
nitrates 80ppm
pH 8
Good Morning, this mornings results are as follows:

Ammonia dose today then
Nitrite 5+ppm....grey
Nitrate 5ppm
pH 8
Hi Guys,This evenings results are a puzzle
Ammonia 1ppm!!!!! why?
Nitrite 5+
Nitrate 5
pH 8

Sorry but completely renewed my tank, plastic plants ( ok near heater....advise please?)
emptied tank completely, took all gravel out (the dust was blocking my filter....reason for all chamge) rinsed all out with damp dechlorinated tap water on a cloth, rinsed new natural gravel , placed in tank with dechloinated water, temp matched ( whilst filter soaking in dechlorinated tap water too ( after rinsing it out in aquarium water) put in plastic washed plants, and dechlorinated water 3 tsp bicarb, 2.5 mls of ammonia and all switched on again....what do you think?

will post results in morning
todays results
ammonia 2/4ppm
nitrites 0ppm
nitrates 0ppm
pH 8.2

looks liken I'm starting again. Wander if the previous levels will build up again??? we'll
This evenings results are the same x
ok, sounds ok I think.. I'm a little confused about what you did with the filter media during all this. We're fishless cycling, right? So we want to very occasionally perhaps make a decision to do a gravel-clean-water-change but this does not normally include a filter clean and if we do a filter clean my preference would be to let the media sit in the original tank water the whole time, not to put it in dechlorinated tap water. My concern is just the fragility of the biofilms. Technically its unlikely you've done much damage and if we're lucky you will have managed to give them a bit of encouragement, so we'll just have to watch what happens.

OK Thanks waterdrop. I still think I killed my filter.....washed the filter in aquarium water, then kept it in conditioned water prior to putting it back into tank. I probably got to start again.
Todays results are same
ammonia 2/4ppm
pH 8
Well the thing about exponential growth curves, like we have with most bacteria, is that, if you think about it, the first part of the curve is quite flat and horizontal and then it transitions to being quite steep and vertical. The horizontal part represents a lot of waiting for a very few bacteria to reproduce. The vertical part respresent a few reproductions of lots and lots of bacteria that quickly bring you to a huge colony size.

In our case the "vertical end" is bringing you to the "end" where the colonies match the bioload, which in the case of fishless cycling is our 5ppm simulated "more than an inch of fish body per US gallon of tank water." Now, having achieved enough fishless cycling that you were seeing ammonia dropping previously means that you were out of that long horizontal portion of waiting for a very few cells to reproduce. These bacteria are very tough and cling very tightly to surfaces like sponge and ceramic, so, just like the kind of quick comeback your bacteria will be able to make in the future when you add new fish, hopefully there will still be a core of bacteria in there right now that will come back much more quickly than when you first started your fishless cycle. (I mean, hey, you didn't wring the sponges out like you were housecleaning or something, did you?)


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