
Jan 6, 2013
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On Wednesday, my family got a new dog :D
Her name is Lacey and she is a pure breed fox terrier, she will be eight weeks old on Tuesday.
Now for pics!

That was just on the way home after picking her up.

She was sleeping, but when I got my iPad out for the photos she woke up haha.

Curled up on my lap ^.^ She's so tiny haha.

Hmmm can you guess how she got her name? 
The shoes are actually bigger than her haha.


Quite possibly my favourite picture of her :wub:

Lacey's shoe obsession continues .....

Shows just how small she is!
I'll update with more pictures later ^.^
Cute puppy.
I remember the time I got my puppy, Pee'd on the floor, on the wall, on shoes, poo'd on everything and tried to eat everything known to man and quickly the cute puppy went out of the window and he became very evil xD THERE ONLY CUTE FOR THE FIRST FEW DAYS! :p
techen said:
Cute puppy.
I remember the time I got my puppy, Pee'd on the floor, on the wall, on shoes, poo'd on everything and tried to eat everything known to man and quickly the cute puppy went out of the window and he became very evil xD THERE ONLY CUTE FOR THE FIRST FEW DAYS!
Hahahaha awwwww :wub:
Yeah, now that Lacey has settled in she is becoming a little horror haha. She keeps trying to chew on my laptop's power cord :grr: little brat.
She's been good in terms of toilet training though, no accidents inside, not even over night!
*squeal* puppeeeee!!!  I had to open this thread, because I had a "Lacey" bichon frise' for many years.
You puppy is very cute!  You are in for so much fun with this sweet girl!
She also is very young; puppies should remain with mom and litter mates at least through the end of age 9 weeks and preferably to age 12 weeks.  During this time, they learn bite inhibition, among other things.  So YOU and your family are going to have to teach her this.  I have volunteered in rescue for many years, and had many a foster dog who was surrendered due to biting issues.  It is much easier to teach them this when they are puppies.
When she bites one of you (those baby teeth are SHARP!), you need to immediately STOP all play, give a loud squeal, and turn away from her.  EVERYONE in the family needs to do this.  While it may be cute or 'nothing, just a nip' just now, you do need to teach this early.  She can and will learn to  monitor how hard she bites when she feels human skin. 
There isn't much I can offer re laptop cord.  Lamp cords, TV etc, you can either coat them with Vaseline (no smell for humans, dogs do not like the feel / taste), or you can buy PVC pipe at Home Depot and thread cords through.  Beware, using Vaseline, the cords WILL collect dust bunnies, lol. 
She is going to be in a teething phase as her puppy teeth move out and her adult teeth grow in.  For bichons, they get their adult teeth by age 9 months; for this breed I am not sure.  One of th suggestions for teething is to wet a face cloth, twist it, and put in freezer for 20 minutes, then give her this to chew on.  You can also hide small treats in it as you twist it.
You may also find it helpful to join a fox terrier forum, so you can chat with others familiar with the breed.
Best wishes with your new family member!
She's so cute! Enjoy your new little monster :p
Freedom said:
*squeal* puppeeeee!!!  I had to open this thread, because I had a "Lacey" bichon frise' for many years.
You puppy is very cute!  You are in for so much fun with this sweet girl!
She also is very young; puppies should remain with mom and litter mates at least through the end of age 9 weeks and preferably to age 12 weeks.  During this time, they learn bite inhibition, among other things.  So YOU and your family are going to have to teach her this.  I have volunteered in rescue for many years, and had many a foster dog who was surrendered due to biting issues.  It is much easier to teach them this when they are puppies.
When she bites one of you (those baby teeth are SHARP!), you need to immediately STOP all play, give a loud squeal, and turn away from her.  EVERYONE in the family needs to do this.  While it may be cute or 'nothing, just a nip' just now, you do need to teach this early.  She can and will learn to  monitor how hard she bites when she feels human skin. 
There isn't much I can offer re laptop cord.  Lamp cords, TV etc, you can either coat them with Vaseline (no smell for humans, dogs do not like the feel / taste), or you can buy PVC pipe at Home Depot and thread cords through.  Beware, using Vaseline, the cords WILL collect dust bunnies, lol. 
She is going to be in a teething phase as her puppy teeth move out and her adult teeth grow in.  For bichons, they get their adult teeth by age 9 months; for this breed I am not sure.  One of th suggestions for teething is to wet a face cloth, twist it, and put in freezer for 20 minutes, then give her this to chew on.  You can also hide small treats in it as you twist it.
You may also find it helpful to join a fox terrier forum, so you can chat with others familiar with the breed.
Best wishes with your new family member!
Thank you very much for your information, it's very helpful!

We realise she's quite young, and that was one of the things we were worried about when getting her, but even if we'd left her for longer, I don't think muc would have changed tbh, as the mother had died shortly before we bought Lacey.
Thanks for that about the biting, I'll definiitely make sure I, and the rest of the family do that from now on!

Good choice in your name for your bichon :p

The cords don't seem to be too much of an issue now, anytime she goes near one we quickly try and distract her with a toy, which seems to be working so far, we just need to keep an eye on her at all times!

We're getting her used to wearing a harness at the moment, and she seems to be going pretty well! The next step is to start her with the lead, which we've done once already and she did OK... She kept biting the lead and rolling over, which is of course to be expected.
She goes in for her 8 week shots on Tuesday, so after that we'll be able to start trying her with a few walks, getting her used to the lead etc.

Ninjouzata said:
She's so cute! Enjoy your new little monster :p
:3 thank you!

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