Kribs and what you can keep them with

Ricky Imiela

New Member
Mar 12, 2017
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just wondering about adding a pair of young Kribs to my tank it is 5x2x1.5 feet around 400 litres jst over it is fairly heavily planted with a good amount of caves and hiding place at the moment the is in excellent harmony no bullying etc it is home to a shoal of 20 Tiger barbs,2 electric blue Acaras(very peaceful at the moment)both are around 3.5in at the moment 2 juvenile L-plecs and 4 gold laser Corydoras.I am in two minds I think it will be ok but really would like some experienced advice and maybe some better options than Kribs I really want another pair of cichlids in to finish my tank off but I don't want to ruin it all by maybe adding a pair of incompatible fish.Thank you.


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I'd be careful adding another lot of Cichlids to a tank with Cichlids in it already. Although, having said that, your tank is pretty big. So I think they would all be able to establish their own territories. You'd have to ask somebody who knows a bit more about Kribs than I do though.
just wondering about adding a pair of young Kribs to my tank it is 5x2x1.5 feet around 400 litres jst over it is fairly heavily planted with a good amount of caves and hiding place at the moment the is in excellent harmony no bullying etc it is home to a shoal of 20 Tiger barbs,2 electric blue Acaras(very peaceful at the moment)both are around 3.5in at the moment 2 juvenile L-plecs and 4 gold laser Corydoras.I am in two minds I think it will be ok but really would like some experienced advice and maybe some better options than Kribs I really want another pair of cichlids in to finish my tank off but I don't want to ruin it all by maybe adding a pair of incompatible fish.Thank you.
Sorry I can't answer that question but I can say
HOLY MOLY that tank is drop dead Gorgeous!!!!
Your tank is beautiful!

Do the acaras have long fins? I had a krib that would sneak up on my angels and bite their lower fins. Other than that, she was very peaceful, but had to go because of the fin nipping.

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