Just got a new betta....


New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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just checking with you guys to make sure he'll get along with the other fish in the tank..
it's 20 gallons with:
~ 2 albina cory's
~ 4 platy's
~ 5 flame tetra's
~ 2 lemon tetra's

what do you all think?
i've got him floating in the tank in the bag, and he did the big gills and fin flare up thing when i put him in at first, but after about 20 seconds he seems to have settled down and just watches the other fish swim by....

tetra's are fin nipers I think the lady at the pet store here where i live had to take the betta out the little devils where eating him up I hope it works out for you but I dont think it will but I got to angels and everyone told me that it wouldnt work out one of them didnt bother the betta but the other one did I have had more fun out of my betta than any other fish in the tank he is smart he know who is owner is he takes food out of my hands and I have to actually pet him if I dont he will pout on me and wont eat or nothing. Enjoy your betta once he gets to know you. You will love him very much The are truly the best fish money can buy it is a shame you can only have one to a tank if it was left to me that would be the only fish I would buy.
Agreed about the best fish and the personality, mines in a community tank also, I hope your tetras don't nip, I had one glow light tetra who started nipping him all of a sudden so I took it back to the store, a platy also,but the others don't do it,just that one, I think it bothered me more than him because he would only turn and glare at the nippers :lol: but I hated seeing it.
I just bought a new one (betta) yesterday, I brought him home thinking he'd be fine in my other bettas old bowl but he had a look like he'd expected more out of his new home... :rolleyes: , he seemed kind of disappointed so I went and bought him a mini 2 gallon aquarium which still doesn't seem big enough for him but it will have to do. I adore bettas and have fun with yours, it's a blast getting to know them. :D
I posted in another post and someone made a reply that they have never heard of the tetra nipping fins but I sure beg to differ on that one I have seen them do it with my own eyes mabey yours wont bother your betta but I sure my self think they will. You will enjoy your new betta just as I said before if it was left to me that would be all I would buy if they could stay with each other.
thankykou for your advice, it's been 2 days i dont see any sign's of his fins being nipped yet.
i watched tv in my room for an hour after i let him go in the tank so i could sit and watch him... and they seem to get along fine.
i guess time will tell!

I have a betta that lives in with 6 neon tetras that nip between themselves, but they leave him completely alone, in fact, if they venture into his little rock cave, he just watches them, leaving them to do their thing.

Platys also do not seem to bother my Betta. They fin nip between themselves (this will hopefully stop as the foliage in my tank becomes more developed, though it is mostly playful.

I wouldn't worry too much about fin nipping. Watch the number of tetras you keep though. If you only have two lemon tetras, you may find that they will become aggressive due to stress, as they are a shoaling fish and get safety in numbers, so I recommend keeping at least 6 of each kind of tetra.

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