Java Moss


Fish Crazy
Mar 17, 2013
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I have a small bit of Java moss growing on a bit of wood in my tank. I am wondering what is the basic care for this plant to help it grow and spread? I am using ei ferts and dosing flourish excel. I have basic lighting that came with my tank.
Java moss, I've heard, is a very low tech plant.
I know. I also have swords and Java fern and a Nubia's. All of them are doing great with what I'm doing. I would just like the moss to grow and spread a little.
Java moss is one of the easiest plants in the aquarium to grow and it's requirements are very basic.
It dose well in both low light and higher light set ups obviously it will grow faster in a higher light set up but it grows well in a low light set up to.
It dose great in most temps and even is ok in a cold water tank.
Really your set up sounds just fine already for growing the moss.
Something to keep in mind though is as the plant gets bigger the moss on the inside will not get light and turn brown so to keep it looking good and green make sure to either proon it or keep it flattened out so all parts get some light.
Other then that there's not much to Java moss it's a pretty cool plant in that respect :)
Thanks. I think it will look really good if it covers the bit of wood which acts as an arch way.
It dose look cool once it starts to grow over stuff :)
Here's hoping. I had a small clump a while back. It turned brown and hair algae grew from it.
Hi, I have a lump of moss on the top arm of my wood - I added it to begin with as I was hoping to grow it all down the wood but it didn't really take and I changed my mind and tried to get rid of it. It turned out that a bit of it had rooted itself to the wood and now I get this large clump that just grows and grows! I don't do anything special it just does it's own thing regardless of me! 
As the others have said, it doesn't appear to have any special requirements. If your wanting to create and arch of moss you could try tieing clumps of it to the wood with some fishing line wire or clear thread and then keep trimming it into shape. I've seen pictures online of professional aqua-scapers who use it to create tree like stuctures in the aquarium
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I think that's awesome! 
Finally got round to tying my moss to my bitbof wood. I really hope it takes and covers the wood. It will look great as as it will form a moss archway.
I will be shocked if it does not take off for you. I got down to just a few strands just over a year ago, attached it to a log, and now I have giant clumps of it in two different tanks. It does not even need ferts (I don't fertilize my shrimp tank and it still grows just fine).
I'm glad to say, after I've tied my moss to my wood it has taken. It has started moving down on to the rocks. I'm excited.

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