Its Been Several Years...


Fish Addict
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Hey. Not really a new member but considering its been a good few years since I was last active figured I would reintroduce myself.
So, for anybody who remembers me a quick update... I ended up starting my military career, kept my tank up and running for a couple of years, but with being away so much it just became less and less of a priority to me to the point my dad was basically running it, until I shut it down altogether probably a bit over two years ago. Since then I now have my own home, am engaged to get married, have two stepdaughters and a baby of my own on the way. Here's where things get interesting from a fishkeeping perspective.. I am now in my wind down period (essentially just doing a desk job now, home every weekend, doing education courses and stuff) in less than three months I will be a civilian! The missus has already given up and accepted im getting a fish tank soon. Not sure what route im going down, I reckon im gonna be limited to a length of about 40 inches but we will see. I definitely want a aesthetically pleasing setup. Tempted by the salty side, far from having made a decision though, for now just dipping my toes back into the forum while I research many options and slowly come to my decision. Its good to be back!
Welcome back and congrats on all the new life changes! A saltwater tank or cichlid tank would both look stunning. Good luck and let us know what you end up deciding on! Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to cycle your tank too :)
Welcome back.
Welcome back, its actually amazing the ever expanding advances in fish/ shrimp/ coral keeping technology, let alone to huge variety of species being made available. I would also encourage your step daughters into an aquarium passion, not only will it give you another bond with them, but will also keep them amused far longer than any electrical gadget.
Seems like a lot has changed here in the last few years... Where are all the old regulars, CFC and people like that?

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