Is This Pagoda Rock?

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Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
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These rocks are widely available at Maidenhead Aquatics.  The store staff told me that they're called 'Pagoda Rock'.
But Aquaessentials also sell a Pagoda rock which looks totally different
Which is the real Pagoda rock and which is the imposter?
No idea to be honest. I've got loads from MA and it looks nice. If you want to get some, go for whatever is cheapest! :)
I bought them hehe, those are my rocks.
Just wondering what they're really called
They don't look like pagoda rocks to me, I'm afraid. 
Pagoda rocks are almost unmistakable in shape as they resemble a...wait for it...Pagoda! Looks like lots of layers of flat rocks/slates all stacked on top of each other and squished together.
Yours look much more volcanic in nature with the small air bubbles - but I don't know what they're called, sorry!
Hmm, volcanic, interesting.  They're definitely nothing like lava rock though.  These are very heavy so the 'bubbles' are only superficial.
While lava rock is light and porous not all volcanic rock is lava. Some volcanic rock is quite heavy with a high metal content. Here's a pretty good page on the subject. That said, I'm not sure what you have is igneous rock or not. It could be basalt but I'm not sure. My dad was a miner here in Arizona for 14 years so I have learned a lot about rocks and handled quite a few different types. Usually it requires hefting a rock and really examining it to tell.
Bit of a stab in the dark but could it be Tanganyika?
Giant's Causeway, that's where I've seen rock a bit like that before!!! Could it be similar?
That's okay, I like the rock so I don't mind what it is :D
I just wondered because I was told it was called Pagoda rock and it didn't sound right to me, I'll be wondering what it's really called now!
Where would you get it from?
This stuff is about the same price as Aquaessential's mini landscape rock but without the postage, plus I could choose my own pieces so I thought it was worth it.

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