Is This Even Algae?


Feb 7, 2016
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I have had my tank for about a month and a half now and it h as 1 guppy and lots of plants. Recently I noticed a lot of crap on my driftwood and plants, I had to move my sagittarius out of it because it was almost all brown leaves. Here are some pictures I took, they can explain better than I can.
How can I fix this?
Is it harming my plants?
Looks like slime rather than algae, not nice whatever it is. No ideas I'm afraid short of trying to brush it off.
I'm getting new drift wood soon to replace the filth covered ones now...
i know of some shrimp that may eat this and some snails may do the same, but depending on how "bad" the shrimp and snails may die
Ok I'm freaking out. I took out the drift wood last night and saw this peice of gunk....
Is it mold? It was only in that one spot. Could my pleco have laid eggs? My pleco died a few weeks ago, I think she may have laid eggs or something and when she died she could't care for them anymore and the eggs got infected or something? idk all I have in the tank is a guppy currently and all I ever had in total was a guppy and pleco.
BaylorPerez said:
looks like a fungus tbh
thanks for the helpful answer.
how d oi get rid of it? I don't see it anywhere else
probably cut it out, or just get another piece of wood that would suffice 

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