Is this a healthy environment for a snail?

Angie J

New Member
Dec 11, 2017
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So recently I ventured in making a cute little tank for decoration purposes. I wasn't planning on putting anything in there like fish, however I was recently thinking of adding a snail. Although I was wondering if it was a valid environment, not having a filter or heater and it only being around 4-5 litres. Is there any hardy small cold water snails that I can put in this tank. If needed I can also add more live plants (rather than just the fake plants and the small amount of java moss).

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated,
Angie :)


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There are several types of pond snail that can be kept in there. The main ones being Ramshorn snails & Lymnaea pond snails. You feed them a bit of fish food every couple of days and if you get some algae growing on the glass they will eat that too. Change the water twice a week and replace it with some tap water that has had the chlorine/ chloramine removed from it.
Live plants definitely help.
Ramshorn snails

Water Temperature: 70 – 78 Degrees Fahrenheit

What are your water parameters? Is your water soft or hard? Snails do not do well in soft acidic water even with calcium supplements.
Water Temperature: 70 – 78 Degrees Fahrenheit

What are your water parameters? Is your water soft or hard? Snails do not do well in soft acidic water even with calcium supplements.
I do have aquarium salt that I use in my guppy tank to raise the hardness. Also there is no heater, so the temperature would be room temperature (I live in Australia also, so it is quite warm at times).
I got my original Ramshorn snails from a pond that was 3 degrees C and they were flourishing there. They will live in cold or warm water. And I wouldn't bother getting technical with additives or anything else. They are snails and can survive in all sorts of conditions.
I got my original Ramshorn snails from a pond that was 3 degrees C and they were flourishing there. They will live in cold or warm water. And I wouldn't bother getting technical with additives or anything else. They are snails and can survive in all sorts of conditions.
Okay thank you so much. Im very excited now :)
you watch, in 3 months time you will be saying, how do I get rid of these damn snails :)
but you have no real plants in there? and is that round thing metal?!
This would be perfect for a little snail if it were real plants and wood.
but you have no real plants in there? and is that round thing metal?!
This would be perfect for a little snail if it were real plants and wood.
I will be adding real plants and its a ceramic pot (with glaze)

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