Fish Fanatic
I recently got a new tank. I am in the end process of cycling and am deciding which fish to get, I have composed a list of fish... also I am doing a planted tank. The tank size is 36 gallons and will soon have these
Plants: Hermianthus callitrichoides, banana plant, anubias nana, a couple water wisterias, rotala indica, giant hairgrass, java ferns, rotalla rotundifolia, and 2 blyxa japonicas.
Now for the fish, tell me if these fish are good to each other and won't eat my plants (well atleast a lot of it
Fish: 14 Neon tetras, 2 Cory Catfish, 4 guppies, 4 ghost shrimp (or cherry shrimp), 5 Khuli loaches, 3 red wag platies, and 1-2 Bristlenose catfish.
As far as I know these fish should be pretty peaceful to each other, but I wanted to know if I could add in either a Red Tailed Shark (1), or a Dwarf Gourami (1). I was nervous about adding these 2 to my list because I know the Shark is semi aggressive and the Gourami apparently eats plants. I hope my list is good enough to add that Red-Tailed Shark because it is one nice looking fish! I think that I would have to remove the shrimp to add the shark, but I'm worried about my tetras and other small fish. Also if there are any other appealing looking fish that I should I add can you please name it.
Here is a picture of my tank. It is a 36 gallon Aqueon Tank, inside I have a heater that keeps the water at around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit, and it has a hang filter. I put in black gravel, a little waterfall thing, a cave, and a fake tree that is rather large. In the back there is also a small little barrel for fish to hide in and plants to grow out of. The live plants I will be adding in soon will be mostly in the middle-ground and back-ground except the banana plant which will be next to that fake tree or the cave (don't know yet). (THE PICTURE IS TAKEN FROM MY PHONE... PREPARE FOR BAD QUALITY!!!)
Oh! Also it currently has Zebra Danios for the cycling process, I heard from a friend they were pretty hardy so I added them in to cycle my tank. (The picture doesn't have them in it because I added them in not too long ago). Thanks!
Plants: Hermianthus callitrichoides, banana plant, anubias nana, a couple water wisterias, rotala indica, giant hairgrass, java ferns, rotalla rotundifolia, and 2 blyxa japonicas.
Now for the fish, tell me if these fish are good to each other and won't eat my plants (well atleast a lot of it
Fish: 14 Neon tetras, 2 Cory Catfish, 4 guppies, 4 ghost shrimp (or cherry shrimp), 5 Khuli loaches, 3 red wag platies, and 1-2 Bristlenose catfish.
As far as I know these fish should be pretty peaceful to each other, but I wanted to know if I could add in either a Red Tailed Shark (1), or a Dwarf Gourami (1). I was nervous about adding these 2 to my list because I know the Shark is semi aggressive and the Gourami apparently eats plants. I hope my list is good enough to add that Red-Tailed Shark because it is one nice looking fish! I think that I would have to remove the shrimp to add the shark, but I'm worried about my tetras and other small fish. Also if there are any other appealing looking fish that I should I add can you please name it.
Here is a picture of my tank. It is a 36 gallon Aqueon Tank, inside I have a heater that keeps the water at around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit, and it has a hang filter. I put in black gravel, a little waterfall thing, a cave, and a fake tree that is rather large. In the back there is also a small little barrel for fish to hide in and plants to grow out of. The live plants I will be adding in soon will be mostly in the middle-ground and back-ground except the banana plant which will be next to that fake tree or the cave (don't know yet). (THE PICTURE IS TAKEN FROM MY PHONE... PREPARE FOR BAD QUALITY!!!)
Oh! Also it currently has Zebra Danios for the cycling process, I heard from a friend they were pretty hardy so I added them in to cycle my tank. (The picture doesn't have them in it because I added them in not too long ago). Thanks!