Is My Platy Pregnent?


New Member
Oct 1, 2012
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Hey guys. Sorry picture isn't great. Just wondering is my plath is pregnant. She seena to be getting bigger and she she seems to have a white bitvaround her anal fin. Any help will be great :)

from what i can tell then yes...if she is then she is definitely not far gone 2 weeks left maybe 3
Thanks for the reply. If she does give birth in a few weeks how often will she reproduced? She's never been pregnant before
Once they start it's usually 4-5 weeks on average. My female platy sproggs every 5 weeks on the nose! She's had 3 lots of fry since mid-December last year. They only need to mate once to have up to 6 batches of fry.
yep..I had mine before i knew anything about them and they had to be re-homed as i couldnt keep up with the amount they would of reproduced...i had 3 females and i think they were all pregnant 3 or 4 times the 6 months i had them
khial said:
yep..I had mine before i knew anything about them and they had to be re-homed as i couldnt keep up with the amount they would of reproduced...i had 3 females and i think they were all pregnant 3 or 4 times the 6 months i had them
I leave my adult female in the main tank to give birth so it's back to nature and the survival of the fittest - only those who are fast and can hide well survive. The female adult is the one who goes after the fry, the male adult seems to be more protective of them (don't ask me why!) The older fry are still too small to eat them altho they do chase them off if they are competing for food from 2-3weeks old.
Tomegoodwin said:
Hey guys. Sorry picture isn't great. Just wondering is my plath is pregnant. She seena to be getting bigger and she she seems to have a white bitvaround her anal fin. Any help will be great

Let us know how she gets on Tomegoodwin!
Well as people have said she looks quite early on. When she starts getting really big ill post some pics. And if the fry :)
When she's ready to drop she'll look ready to pop! She'll look deep and square from the side from her chest to the anal fin and she'll get a single white spot just in front of the anal opening. When that happens you can expect fry within a day or so. Good luck!
I also have another female which is black and she's bigger but there both swimming around. I also have amother 1 who is bit but she's just staying in the top corner. Is this normal?

Hello, to me personally that platy (the second picture) above the black one looks squared off at the back end usually meaning the hole has opened up and the babies have dropped forward, I tend to find it hard to judge platys, my newest Mickey Mouse platy wasn't fat didn't have fry eyes visible but dropped like that u could tell she was pregnant but she looked like she had a good 2-3 weeks.. Last night, I saw baby popping out of her, she had 10 in the end, my explanation u can't tell really but the two Best signs to look for is those in your picture.. I've missed so many because they don't look big or ready but from experience keep an eye on her

Ps my platy in labor. Sorry bad quality

Notice the back end dropped, also how tiny she is but she managed to be keeping 10 babies in there, sadly I only caught 9 the 10th is either In the tank hiding or been eaten :-(
I've put the black 1 in a breeder net so should she be ok on her own?

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