Is A 1 Gallon Okay? (I Can't Do Any Better!)


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2010
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Okay, I have a betta in a one gallon tank, and I want to get a bigger one, but I just CANT. I have a reason
I can't, and it is impossible for me to get a bigger one.
So will my betta die? :sad:
What's the reason? You've got to have a counter, desk, or open space about 20 inches where you can fit a 5 gallon, right? If it is because of price, a clear tupperware container or plastic tub(food safe) would be fine.

Your betta won't die, but won't be comfortable, even if you do 70% water changes a day, there's probably going to be traces of excess ammonia/nitrite/nitrate(I think). But it's not hard to find space and a plastic tub by moving around some boxes or furniture. Do you have a filter and heater?
^ agrees with post above... 1 gal is NOWHERE NEAR enough space for any fish :sad: I'm pretty sure you cannot have fit a heater and filter into that small space.

Can I ask what your reason is? Space-wise, you can pick up second hand hex tanks or 30-40l cube ones for really cheap and they don't take up much space at all. Also as OneOnion says, a heat and food-safe plastic container would be fine for now - even a medium sized strong plastic storage container would be ok temporarily, if you use a heaterguard.
what happened to the 5 gal you were going to get?
a 1 gallon tank is quite fine! i believe it's around 3.5L, and it is what i've been keeping my betta in for the last nine months or so, and he is doing great! the people here get a little overly passionate and idealistic, don't let it get you down.
With 1-gallon the ammonia is going to be difficult to keep under control. Also, with daily water changes (which probably will be necessary) your fish will be stressed out.

A couple things you can do to help him out are 1) stick a sticker type thermometer to the outside of the bowl so you know what the water temp is and that way when you take your betta out to do a water change, you know what temperature water to replace into the bowl (to keep him from getting too stressed out); 2) feed him after his water change so he associates being moved in and out of the bowl with a yummy treat.

Also, a big one - DO NOT fill up the bowl with a deep layer of gravel!!! Just put about 1/4 inch in there. The more gravel in the bowl, the less room your betta has to swim and the less water will be in there for the ammonia levels to stay low.
just because it HAS been done, doesn't mean it SHOULD be done! its about maintaining a healthy environment for the fish - like previously mentioned - even with massive water changes a day, an ammonia build will happen, which burns the fish's gills
a one gallon is also massively difficult to filter properly, and quite difficult to maintain temperature in - there should not be more than a 3* F change from day to night - fish's metabolism's are stimulated and suppressed by their environment's temperature.

too small of an environment means a chaotic temperature cycle, a potentially toxic buildup of ammonia - pretty much your fish's basic functions (breathing and eating) are now laborous and painful...instead of easy and painfree (as they should be!)

ever hear the term - "oh, its as easy as breathing?" - - well with a poorly filtered tank and ammonia building up - your fish struggles with each breath! its like having a chronic sore throat while eating nothing but ultra-hot buffalo wings, washed down with chili - all while someone is standing on your chest holding massive amounts of weight!
People 1g is perfect for a betta they live in 1ml of water! i have had a betta in a 1g for 8months hes fine i havent done a water change but i am planing to tomarrow
People 1g is perfect for a betta they live in 1ml of water! i have had a betta in a 1g for 8months hes fine i havent done a water change but i am planing to tomarrow

Erm, what do you mean they live in "1ml" of water? As in the wild? Could you clarify?

Volleyball_rox, did talking to your mom not work out then? I'm sorry :(
You'll be keeping up with hefty maintenance for him then. Treat him well :)
People 1g is perfect for a betta they live in 1ml of water! i have had a betta in a 1g for 8months hes fine i havent done a water change but i am planing to tomarrow

I cannot believe you haven't done a water change in 8 months and still have a live fish :blink: I think you are lying to get a reaction, so maybe i'm playing into your hands BUT.....

This sort of comment makes me want to scream and is EXACTLY why people think it's ok to keep fish in such small "tanks" - if you can call it a tank. It is inhumane and is like keeping a guinea pig in a shoe box - it may live, but it'll be unhappy and will suffer.

Rice paddies are vast and are NOT muddy little shallow pools of dirty water.
That's why I'm waiting for him to clarify his "1ml" response. I'm holding in. But really. Really, really, until you have seen a rice paddy for yourself, in real life, LIKE I HAVE, you would never dare to say that. There are puddles, yes, but the chances for a betta to fall into a puddle are slim. And if there is a betta in a puddle, it actually does die.

And silverrabbit, I'm pretty sure he's done a water change in 8months. We both know the betta would be long gone by now.
Ok so I read on your post that your mom won't let you buy it. But is there anything around your house that you could use instead that's bigger than the 1 gallon? Tuperwear storage tubs are perfect and a lot of them are closer to 5 gallons. Anything bigger than 1 gallon is better. When is your birthday? Maybe you could put him in some container in your house and upgrade him for your birthday, parents have to get you water you want for your birthday.
What I would try though is wait a couple weeks and go to your mom and be like "Look I know I was being annoying by asking again but I really want a bigger tank for the health of my fish not for myself. I'd be happy to do chores around the house if you let me get the bigger tank."

My mom always used to love when I offer to do chores. But I would give it some time before asking again. In the mean time I would do 100% water change at least every other day, then your betta probably won't die. If you let ammonia build up though, your betta will die.
I'd love to know where that statistic came from, The temperature in the wild fluctuates all the time, by at least +/- 3oC per day.

Not to be rude, or sound rude, but where did you get your statistics as well? (See, it just sounds rude... lol )
Uber-vast amounts of water can retain temperature quite well. And plus, these are bred bettas, not wild bettas. It's no surprise a wild betta would completely dominate a bred betta if they were to ever meet and fight. Wild bettas have the actual adaptations for that, as bred bettas just have the instinct.
^ agrees with post above... 1 gal is NOWHERE NEAR enough space for any fish :sad: I'm pretty sure you cannot have fit a heater and filter into that small space.

with a little ingenuity, anything is possible.




is it practical to keep a betta in a 1g tank. probably not. but it depends on the school of thought you subscribe to.

is it possible... absolutely

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