
Mar 17, 2005
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This isn't realy an emergency so i put it here but at the same time its bothering me- one of my female platys has been blowing bubbles out her gillls everytime she opens her mouth- they aern't frothy bubbles or anything, just normal air bubbles and she doesn't seem to be bothered by it all, and when i say bubbles they are a fair amount of them and not just one or 2.
Water stats are perfect(ammonia & nitrites 0, nitrates 10), i have 2 filters in the tank so there is plenty of filtration/oxygen in the tank and the tank isn't overstocked and there isn't any bullying or harrassment between the fish.
She's eating absolutely fine and she is a good weight/size, is not hanging near the surface or bottom of the tank- she is very active as usual and isn't pregnant or has recently had fry or anything. She doesn't have any growths, slimey substances, discoloration of the skin or body, her gills are pink and healthy looking and not imflamed or anything, anything....
I've tried various meds over the last month to see if any affect her condition like Melafix and "Anti internal bacteria" and "Liquisel" by Interpet and none have affected her condition for the better or worse....
Im realy stumped as to what is the cause of her condition or could be wrong with her :huh: !
Could it be an injury of some sort that in her gills that shows no outwards physical symtoms or a genetic disorder or a desease of some sort you think?
Any comments, info or advice is greatly appreiciated, im realy stumped on this one i realy havn't a clue what could be wrong with her although clearly its not normal for platys to blow bubbles out of their gills when they open there mouths- has anyone else experienced anything like this :unsure: ?
Is there plenty of of aeration in the tank, just check behind he gills to make sure they are not red and inflamed.
Wilder said:
Is there plenty of of aeration in the tank, just check behind he gills to make sure they are not red and inflamed.

Her gills look fine which is pretty weird i guess for her condition- they are the same color as many of my healthy platys gills and the filtration of the tank is good.. She's a reasonably new platy- i've had her for about 5weeks or so now.
To be honest tokis don't no what it is, my goldfish do it, but wouldn't expect a platy to do it, just keep an eye on her.
Wilder said:
To be honest tokis don't no what it is, my goldfish do it, but wouldn't expect a platy to do it, just keep an eye on her.

I'll keep an eye on her then and keep you updated if anything happens :thumbs:
Good luck tokis.

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