Injured Platy - What To Do Now?

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Fish Gatherer
Jan 20, 2013
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What to do!!
When I checked the tanks this morning was surprised to see a large red mark on the side of the adult female platy. She seems ok in herself, just injured. I suspect she'd been attacked by one/some of the 5 month old platy fry as their older sibling started a fight with adult male over her and had to be separated at a similar age. ? due to sexual maturity
Anyway I managed to separate the 4 older fry mentioned above and PetsAtHome took them off my hands as I had nowhere to put them other than the 30L which would have been too crowded with them in there.
I've done a 30% water change - is there anything else I should be doing? I have some aquarium salt handy but have never used it before. Would it be a good idea to salt the platy tank? If so how much? Or should I just keep the water fresh and see how it goes?
Thanks in advance!
I've never been a fan of aquarium salt, but I know some others are.
I'd suggest daily water changes are the best option.
That was my gut feeling too altho I've seen many references to it in different threads. I'll just keep an eye on things for now and do frequent water changes as you suggest TLM.

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