If my brother is mad at me he takes it out on fish


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
When my brother is angry and I ignore him, to piss me off he will either stick his dirty hand in one of my tanks, over feed them (the wrong food) or shake the tank!!!!!!!!!!! What do I do? I think my fish are getting stressed out and no one seems to care! I hide the food but he finds it when I get it out at night to feed
That sucks.

Does he have anything that he cares about that you can sabatage. It sounds like he could use a lesson. Sorry, maybe that's bad advice, but I tend to go for the throat when people do mean things. (not literally of course) I'm not a mean person, but I don't treat people better then they treat me.
Well, last time I did that he killed my betta and black moor. He poured a bunch of chemicals in their tanks.... I was treating them for ick after I got them from wal-mart (ughhh) and he poured the ick treatement, chlorine eliminator, and bettafix in the tanks. I removed them into new tanks but they died later. I didn't know he did it because I was in another room so I don't know how long they were in the toxic water. He also ripped all of my posters off of my walls. He is strong for a 15 year old (almost 16). He's in that macho man stage. Like I'm so tough I can beat up anything that walks.... he hits me sometimes too. Like I ignored him with the fish thing tonight so he came over and pulled out my hair!!! :-(
Hi Auratus :)

Wow! He's really nasty!!! :crazy:

But, where are your parents? IMHO his behavior is way out of line and at his age he should know better. When I was reading this I thought you were going to say he was just a little brat of 8 or 9, not 15 years old! :eek:

Why don't you try sitting down with your folks and having a serious talk. Be prepared to explain exactly what he is doing and how it is making you feel. Tell them how much this has cost you and point out that there is also loss of life involved. Ask them how you can make this stop. Don't get upset and yell or whine; talk like adults. Tell them you are depending on their help.

I hope doing that will help. What I know won't help is acting as childish as he is.
Get an overstocked tank full of full-grown, half-starved Pacus and then dare him to stick his dirty hand in there.
Get an overstocked tank full of full-grown, half-starved Pacus and then dare him to stick his dirty hand in there.

LMFAO :kira: :lol: :hey:

I have talked to my mom before about this but she is always at work when this happens and doesn't do anything. If he does it when she is home she doesn't seem to think it's going to hurt the fish. She says I am overreacting...
She has told him to stop but he doesn't listen. He doesn't do anything she says, doesn't help do chores, says no to her face. When I was going through that stage my mom beat the living crap out of me. But she wont even stand up to him and he's her son! I don't get it.
what about your dad? also can't you put a lock on your door that way he can't get in there to do anything
Okay, Pacus might cost a bit much. How about just one electric eel? I think there are freshwater species of this type of fish.
how about anelectric stun gun and some peper spray. Go to gardenweb forums and ask around the hot peper forum and you can get instructions for making stuff so strong that our military and police forces can not legaly use it. Also you can sneek into his room after he is asleep (maby add chemicals to get him that way) and put his hand in warm water for an hour nothing humbles a guy like peeing the bed . Ahh I love summer camp.

Oh and a lock on your door might be useful too No ofense but your brother is definitely unbalanced

lol! Ok guys she doesnt want put her bro in the hospital(though im sure some of us fish lovers would too)! Wow i hate people that dont care about living things...except bugs i hate bugs :crazy: . ANYWAYS, how does he feel when he makes you cry? Is he still heartless(sorry)then!?! If he starts to go soft when u cry, then over do it!! :D Tell him how you feel so useless when he's around and just lay the whole thing down :p . Sorry I live with 2 older sisters and 1 older bro, and crying worked for me B) Also tell him how much damage in fish he owes you. If he wont give $$, tell your rents to take it off his allowance or dont pay him nothing till he agrees to be nice!! If you still find more dead fish...leave one in his bed ;) Then bug him how he killed a fish only to sleep with it! ok im cruel, im gonna leave now :sad:
P.S: how could you tell i've been pesterded by siblings before??? :fun:
Best thing you can do if you ask me is to beat the living hell out of him. If he is gonna be such a jackass why not. I hate people who #### with animals. It drives me nuts to. Just smack him with a baseball bat. HARD. Right on the hands. Break them then he can't shake anymore. :)
The moderators here have a good sense of humor right...

we do but ive had to remove your post before it can cause any offence
is your mom a single parent?, if so that could be a large majority of the reason why she's having a hard time standing up to him and also why he's lashing out this way :/

Sounds like he needs one of those boot camps for teens ya see on talk shows :lol: -_-

Try and attack him mentally, find a nerve and hit it! but not so much that he hurts you :sad:

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