I Want To Mix A Big Central/south A Cichlid With My Mbunas

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I forgot to add they have also killed a adult male convict,3 x Clown Loaches and a Bristlenose in the last week.

I'm deffo never adding anything to a tank with Mbunas again...unless its Mbunas...I wouldnt even trust them with Haps or victorians...they are viscious.

The only things that have survived the attacks are my red jewel and baby convict.
LOL so why did i say it then? I know...i thought i'd just make some BS story that would get me flamed by a idot with bad feet?

Its a tank with 30 Mbuna @ 3" ;) which is stocked pretty high with rock so couldnt see him getting attacked...went to check on him an hour later and he was completely in half but his front fins still flapping hanging out of my Auratus's mouth so i put him in my hospital tank and he died by the next morning.

To be fair I didnt think they was agressive as that....stupid test and liek i said won't be mixing anymore.

But hey cheeseyfeet i'm happy to fight with you all day on here, you entertain me :)
Lol glad, I would like to know who this idot is you speak of though...Earlier you said it got eaten by 3 fish (for argument sakes :p).I'm sure if it was getting chased it would have been weaving in and out of rocks all the time trying to get away, and if you watched it you would have noticed this.

I forgot to add they have also killed a adult male convict,3 x Clown Loaches and a Bristlenose in the last week.

I'm deffo never adding anything to a tank with Mbunas again...unless its Mbunas...I wouldnt even trust them with Haps or victorians...they are viscious.

The only things that have survived the attacks are my red jewel and baby convict.
Lol so you did that after they just killed an Adult male convict and others :X The JD was hardly a 'test' then.
And as you already knew this was a stupid thing to try out, as mbuna are renowned for being aggressive and shouldn't be mixed with any odd fish, your the idiot. :lol:
That I am my friend, and your just a argumentative fool...keep it coming mate.
cheesy is right, you say they killed an Adult convict, so you wanted to see how a 3" JD would do? How the hell do you think it is going to do...? Use your head....
hahahaha, if you are realy going to do it ........Than hear this, one day I had mixed oscar fishes with a couple of jaguar cichlids, few months later an oscar fish dicided to take on a jaguar cichlid, they had opened thier mouth and then boooom a huge battle had take place the gravel had been flying throgh the tank bogwood had been torn over the tank had got dusty and dirty, and guess who won.......the OSCAR FISH with some wounds on its body and the jaguar cichlid has a lot of wounds and fins got ripped, and battle happened in a 310 gallon tank!!!after the battle had ended the jaguar cichlid had died after the water change. ever since this battle the oscar fish had got more vicouse and scary!!!
okay? those are with very large, adult fish. The JD was a juvenile still, at THREE inches.
okay? those are with very large, adult fish. The JD was a juvenile still, at THREE inches.
A juvinile JD?........WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?! have some feelings man :blink: :crazy: why on earth will you mix a juvie JD with south american cichlids, AND WITH MBUNAS TOO? holly molly.....you must be kiding me........plz tell us its only your imagenation.
Because all of you were participating (Cichlid_Crazy, cheesy feet, Brunell4070 and M.R Otter), I'm going to be nice and give you a free pass. In the future do NOT start slinging around personal insults, there is no point in it and it can result in a mod preview, temporary or permanent suspension. As it stands this thread will now be closed and if it spills over into another thread action will be taken. -Dawn
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