I Want To Mix A Big Central/south A Cichlid With My Mbunas

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Aug 6, 2009
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I have been thinking about mixing either a Texas or a Black Jack Dempsey or a Polleni with my Mbuna tank (which already contains a Convict and a Red jewel,Bristlenose and Clown Loach) or maybe even a Green Terror (just sold one actually..and miss him!)

I know people don't liek to mix them and I know the reasons why....water parameters...dietary..etc

I'm talking aggression wise...

I can get a Juvi of any of the 3 fish mentioned for pretty cheap (under £5) and wouldnt mind 'trying it out' how would it go down? and which would be the best choice? I'm thinking the Black JD.

I want like a large center piece New World.

Will any of these 3 at Adult size be able to eat a fully grown Mbuna?

If i keep the tank nice and crowded,I assume I can stop aggression.

Which shall I try out? if it gets bad I have a hospital tank and i will rehome....its been so far so good with my Con and Jewel.

My main concern would be whether these fish will be able to take a battering from a Demasoni while young as mine bosses my tank...the Con and jewel have learnt to stay out of his way :p
I wouldn't do it but its up to you. The good thing is water parameters are very close for the Texas and JD, so no worry there. I think the polleni would be fine as well. Diet could be a problem. Depending on what species of mbuna you have. Of the three, I would look at the Dempsey as the best-fit temperament wise. The Texas and polleni get larger and seem to be in general more aggressive. Any smaller mbuna would be a target. Also another thing to think about is breeding. Since you have a convict in the tank the Texas or JD may try to mate with it. If a pair forms they will take over the tank. Then you could be in trouble. IMO the Demasoni would be eaten as the new fish gets larger. Any dwarf cichlid (4 inches and smaller) would eventually be in trouble. Again I would not do it. Also what size tank are we talking about? Anything under 6ft is probably a disaster waiting to happen.
Ok well I tried it...I went down at 1pm and bought a 3" Jack Dempsey...took him straight home and by 2pm he was eaten completely by Demasoni,Aurautus and a Greshaki (all around 3").

Wont be doing that again...
Ok well I tried it...I went down at 1pm and bought a 3" Jack Dempsey...took him straight home and by 2pm he was eaten completely by Demasoni,Aurautus and a Greshaki (all around 3").

Wont be doing that again...

You need to rearrange the tank before adding a new fish to an established tank. Any established territory has to be broken up for any new fish to have a chance. Especially in a small tank.
why do people do this you would not put a cat in a bird cage to give it company so why on earth do this they are all animals and pets no matter how big or small
No, the cat killed the bird, a 3" dempsey is little match for anything.
How about get another tank next time. :rolleyes:
How about stop thinking you have the right to bash me after i already held my hands up...other people will read this and realize that its a stupid thing to do.

I googled it and got zero responses....google it now and this will pop straight up....i posted it up at MFK and people told me that it would be fine...i didn't get any responses here...

Mistakes = Progress.

A 3" Dempsey is imo more than a match for a 3" Mbuna....but in this case it turned out bad...the killed and ate him so quick that i had no chance of saving him.
How about stop thinking you have the right to bash me after i already held my hands up...other people will read this and realize that its a stupid thing to do.

I googled it and got zero responses....google it now and this will pop straight up....i posted it up at MFK and people told me that it would be fine...i didn't get any responses here...

Mistakes = Progress.

A 3" Dempsey is imo more than a match for a 3" Mbuna....but in this case it turned out bad...the killed and ate him so quick that i had no chance of saving him.

We have all made mistakes before. At least you admit it. At lot of other wont. One thing about the JD. At 3 inches its still a juvie, wheras a 3" mbuna is at breeding size and can be a full grown adult. Most juvies wont win against an adult fish. Even though they are the same size.
How about stop thinking you have the right to bash me after i already held my hands up...other people will read this and realize that its a stupid thing to do.

I googled it and got zero responses....google it now and this will pop straight up....i posted it up at MFK and people told me that it would be fine...i didn't get any responses here...

Mistakes = Progress.

A 3" Dempsey is imo more than a match for a 3" Mbuna....but in this case it turned out bad...the killed and ate him so quick that i had no chance of saving him.
Lol whatever, why not wait a day for more replies if that was your reason you got it.
Sounds like you knew it wasn't going to work all along anyway.

Wait I didn't read that bit correctly, the mbuna was 3" too? There's no way that it would kill it so quickly you wouldn't have been able to do anything.
LOL so why did i say it then? I know...i thought i'd just make some BS story that would get me flamed by a idot with bad feet?

Its a tank with 30 Mbuna @ 3" ;) which is stocked pretty high with rock so couldnt see him getting attacked...went to check on him an hour later and he was completely in half but his front fins still flapping hanging out of my Auratus's mouth so i put him in my hospital tank and he died by the next morning.

To be fair I didnt think they was agressive as that....stupid test and liek i said won't be mixing anymore.

But hey cheeseyfeet i'm happy to fight with you all day on here, you entertain me :)
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