I Think My Aeneus Are Cheating

right sounds like a full life in all that ?peepl steal corys? ....hey want to hear some thing stupied i did today i went into albany to get a few fish things like food for them and i saw a realy lovley looking angel fish i thort it would look nice in my other tank i have not had an angel fish befor so i was stupied geting it with out doing reserch on it i put it in the tank i have my gouramis in and this is the first time i have ever seen the gouramis do some thing as if they were one fish they all got near each other in a line side by side and moved slow yet all at the same target poor angel fish had 6 gouramis moveing in on it after it was starting to get attacked i took it out i only have one other tank and the main fish there is a black shark strange thing is he did not attack it he came up some time to see who the new fish is and to make it clear that he is the boss.....i will be returning the angel fish stilll i was very suprised at the gouramis it was as if they were of one mind and most of the time they dont like being right next to each other very long yet all six got in very near each other and moved together when geting near the angel fish? is that a normal thing ?
I have never had the larger gouramis only honeys and sparklers. I also have never had angels. So I didn't respond, because I have no knowledge. You will get better information for these fish in the forum that deals with this. The reining authority on gourami is Sylvia. I don't know about angel fish at all.
:D This one made my day!!! :D
I wish I had been on here. Things have been rough lately... I needed this. Good to know there are others like me out there. :lol:
I was reading the one by all those kids, and feeling kind of... well... really old! I could have fit in here on every level. (getting old, sick, and falling apart)... oh... the fish too :lol:
Maybe I'll be around next time. :p
:hey: Welcome to the decrepit fishy talk any time. I'm sure someone will occasionally show up to respnd to a call, as long as the thread is running. You are up late in LA
I have trouble sleeping, old, and stupid. I have a 3 year old that refuses to sleep! This is my only time to myself. :lol:
My son is almost grown , and some how I thought it would be a good idea to start over. That should have been someone's first clue that I was unstable. I wouldn't give anything in the world for her, but she makes me so tired. My step daughter is about to make me a Grand mother for the second time too. I became a G/M when mine was only 1 year old. That was my reality check.
Up late in Chicago too. :) Got a secong wind, don't get too many of those anymore, glad to have the first wind.

I have a few gouramis in with around 10 angels. They seem to get along fine, even with a breeding pair of angels in there. There's a good chance any aggression is spread, so that no individual fish is singled out.
:D I have to try to get some sleep, but I will check back soon. Maybe someone will be around to actually talk to. :nod:
Hey! Where'd everyone go?

I can't imagine even having to put up with finishing a 16 year old at home. I do it for work. That's about all the attitude I can take. The few that bring it here stir my passive-aggressive response.

Anyway, Hi all! I'm actually trying to finish up and call it a day.

Might like to check our youngest's post in my sterbai thread.
My cory Blondie has a slight problem or Froggy does. One or both of them has a species identity problem. They ignore their own kind totally and hang together even resting together. They are totally confussed. I got them from a child who had to get rid of his fish and they were the only two he had. They seem to have bonded. I've had them about a month and they still stay together and pay no attention to the others. Oh, froggy is an ADF and a real hoochie momma the way it cuddles against blondie the little flirt.

I have a son thats 16 wouldn't want to finish him off at home. Way too moody. My youngest is a real terror. Try chasing an 8 year old around while she's chasing her brother with a snake. She's my little whoops. Thought it was the change. Surprise! I know exactly what you mean ICEEGRL my oldest is 23 my youngest 8 with the dreaded 16 in the middle.
Yes Strumpet, Trollop, Tart, Hussey, Floozy, Harlot. I have a few reservatins on Harlot. Somehow it lacks the possiblility of tenderness, probably due to the Biblical references: That Harlot sitting on the Beast stuff. But it is in the list. I think the fish will have to earn that one. :blush:
The few fish I have named did have to earn their names, the only one I've named myself is a black angel. He got the name Rocky after being pummeled by a couple of other blacks that were pairing. This fish was missing 2/3 of it's fins, and both eyes were swollen. Adrian!!! :lol:

It ended up healing great, looks better than either of the fish that tore him up, and ended up pairing with another black. They produce better spawns than the first pair, I just pulled a spawn earlier in the week.

My wife named this big silver veil angel Enya, who ended up being a male. :lol: He is one of my oldest breeders, sort of a boy named Sue thing. My son named my dad's 3 plecs Jaws, Sonic, and Spazz. Jaws eats flakes off the surface of the tank, and has broken 2 lids on a 55. I just leave the broken lids on there now for him to knock off. Sonic likes to zip back & forth around the tank, Spazz goes nuts at feeding time, seems determined to break anything possible in the tank.
Yeah, most of my fish earn their names. I have one peppered Cory that I named Rocky Balboa for surviving a columnaris (SP) scourge. But I no longer know which one he is. He is lost in the pack in a 100 usg community tank. But when I did know him, he would tell the others not to run away from me. He came to the point that he would let me cup him in my hand and put him in the salt water bath. Once he died, but revived, when I kept talking to him and moving him cupped in my hand. Inchworm walked me through that one.

But Bettas often need names and are very individual. I would be hard pressed to tell which aeneus mama was which and so name them.

Every once in awhile an individual fish just becomes special.

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