dirt road

New Member
Dec 22, 2003
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T.O Canada
THis is my first post and I am trying to breed some livebearers...A Lyrtetail Molly i bought gave birth to 30 fry and now im so interested i want more.

If anyone gave give me ideas, tips etc. i would really appreciate it, i would like to breed platys or Zebra Danios. I have a 10g tank sitting around i was gonna make into a breeding tank.
This is my first time giving detailed breeding advice

Well what i would do is take the extra 10 and cycle it and put alllllll i mean everysingle fry in there so nothing happens to them and as they get big enough offer them to pet stoers and such.

Well asomming the other fish you want to breed are livebeerers just get a ratio 2 femals to one male or more females, and even with the egg layers(im not the smartest sry) that should be fine and when the fry come they hatch or become livebeerers born take them out instantly and put them in the fry 10 gallon

I hope you have a ton of fun with breeding fish, ive only had one batch of fry and my secound is expected tomarrow or the next day(christmas or the next day) and there all running around my main tank now.

Good luck

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