How To Take Care "black Ghost Knifefish"


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2013
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Anyone here can tell me how to take care this type of fish (Black Ghost KnifeFish). 2 weeks ago I bought it a pair of black ghost & put it into 5L tank together with small Bhotia Fish. Seems to be okay at first. But after around 12 hours, their life are gone. Do not know why. My tank fully of fresh water (after feel it with anti chlorine). I don't have any tools yet to measure the temperature & pH of the water.
Then a week later, I was tried again bought a pair of Black Ghost. Now I just put this fish only in my 5L tank. Then, again, they were die less than 24 hours. Still wonder what is the cause this was happenned.
I like that fish, but looks like very difficult to care.
Hope any advices here.
Can't tell if you're just having a laugh but you're talking about a fish that gets to be 20" here. They also are aggressive to each other as they grow. You need a 120 gallon tank for a full adult. Of course, that's not the only reason here. Do you have a filter on there? Any sort of airation going on? Your temp is probably way too low for them if you dont have a heater, or way too high if you're using heated water to fill it. Have you cycled the tank? Unless you are prepared to buy a much larger tank and much more equipment, please do not buy another fish. 
Sorry to hear!
5L is much too small for BGK, or any fish really (atleast that's how I feel) and they also should not be housed together.
They require fairly good water conditions, I imagine in that small of a tank they died due to ammonia poisoning.
Definitely try to get a test kit as soon as possible

Sam beat me to it :p
I think your tank might have been to small the need at least 55 gallons but more is better they can become very stressed and die the bhotia might have had something to do with it to.
triggerfish38 said:
I think your tank might have been to small the need at least 55 gallons but more is better they can become very stressed and die the bhotia might have had something to do with it to.
120gal min, 55 Gal is still too small for a knife fish
My Black Ghost were this type.. Ballet fish.. 

BamBeckham said:
My Black Ghost were this type.. Ballet fish.. 
Looks like a small fish. Just 2 or 3 inch length. I thought 5L tank was enough. My mistake. can these fish share a tank with Senegal Bichir fish? Thanks need to research the fish your thinking of getting on the Internet before buying them...your needlessly killing fish. Not cool. I'm fishless cycling my first tank right now....but I would never jump into something like fish keeping without researching at all. It's not like keep a kitty or a's a lot more complicated. Please respect that.
BGK in a tank under 2 gallons ......

boy do i hope you are trolling ....... BGK are easy to care for IF you have right setup for them.
I even go minimal 180gallon tank for them and even that putting 2 togeher will result in conflicts off and on as they fight for territory.
lots of hidy spots for a 20"+ fish is fairly tough even in a 180gal 6' tank.
Like Dpayton11 said research any fish you want.
Aquarium: A tank measuring 40" (152 cm) with a capacity of 45-55 gallons (170-210 L) is sufficient for a medium-sized fish. A significantly larger tank is need for adult size specimen-those over 12" (30 cm). Provide many hiding places among rocks, wood, pipes, and tubes. The tank should be dark, possibly with a cover of floating plants. The tank should have dense planting and a soft substrate.
Social behavior: This timid species that is territorial and aggressive towards others of its own kind. This species can be kept with without problems with peaceful fish not large enough to swallow. Be sure to provide retreats. This species should not be kept in pairs, although several fish can be kept in a large tank.
Bgk are true monsters and should not be in tanks smaller than 200 gallons minimum.
Return all of your fish and do not buy any more fish.
TallTree01 said:
Bgk are true monsters and should not be in tanks smaller than 200 gallons minimum.
Return all of your fish and do not buy any more fish.
do not buy any more fish until you have done a little more research and fixed your current tanks* :p
This was certainly..bad..but you hear lots of stories like this. Atleast he is here asking for advice.
Oh... Yes that was what I meant. I meant check back on here before buying more fish. It was early morning when I wrote that. :blush:
Sorry for confusion! :)
look im going to be honest. as others said a bgk needa 120 min. And about those "bhotia fish" if they are botia loaches they need to be in groups of 3 or more and a 5L is too small for one let alone 3. Just becuase a fish fits doesnt mean it can live in there. its like keepimg a person in a box for the rest of thier lives. c nould you please tell us the type of "bhotia fish" this is? Im sorry if i was sounndin harsh but you should research fish before buying them
First of all, I'm so sorry for my mistake. Thanks for your replied guys. Much appreciates that. FYI, I bought it from Night Market that costs me around 1 - 1.5 US dolar. I did ask the seller about the fish & they told me that the fish can put it into my 5L tank & didn't mention or give me precaution about the tank size. I just believe what the seller told me. After the first incident, I going & searching from internet about the Black Ghost KnifeFish (BGK) & realise that the fish don't like colouring's tank such as colouring's stones. That's why when I bought at second time, I remove all the colouring's deco in the tank & just left the dark things only. But I'm not aware about the tank size at all. That's my mistake. I'm so sorry.
Now I still want that fish & before I'm going to buy it again, that's why I'm asking in this forum. Right now I have a 25L tank but looks like it is still not enough for that fish.
That say I have 150L-200L tank, can I put BGK with DragonFish such as Violet goby or Senegal Bichir?
The question for "Bhotia type", I'm not sure what its specific name. The seller just told me Bhotia Fish. I did also searching from Internet & found too many Bhotia Fish type. You can view from the picture here.[Not quite clear].
Kuala Lumpur-20130609-02552a.JPG
That looks like a clown loach, but a higher-res picture would help to be certain.

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