How Many Tanks Do You Have And How Many Do You Want?

What we have:
29 gallon FW community
10 gallon with just a betta for now, soon to be a few more additions
2 5 gallon snail/hospital tanks

What we dream of:
A 120+ gallon Discus tank
A 120+ Cichlid or SW tank

We'll have to wait a few years for those tanks though :)
I just have my 32g tank, it's only been set up about 4 weeks since a disasterous accident with my last tank (same size). if my house was bigger and if I didn't have 3 year old twins absorbing all our time/energy/cash I'd definately go for 3 tanks, all at least 30g or so. I've been trying to convince my husband that the kids would benefit from having another tank in the house, but he's not buying it......yet. :shifty:
One Coldwater and one tropical. Oh and a koi pond if thats counts!!

In the future when I finally get my own place... I would like a 6ft tropical tank and another 4ft coldwater. (Or something like that anyway) One day I'd like a marine aquarium but a lot of reading and learning needs to be done first me thinks.
2x betta tanks (one's a one gallon, one's a 1.5-2 gallon)
1x 10g
1x 30g? it's holding hermit crabs at the moment, i'm not sure of the exact dimensions. fairly large.
currently a 125 gal n a empty 5 gal hahaha
i want a 300 gal for my gourami, i could get it, but....i dont want another tank in my house

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