How Many Rcs In My 70 Litre


Oct 16, 2013
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Hi guys I was wondering how many red cherry shrimp could I have in my 70 litre. At the moment I have 6 panda corys, 4 neon tetra and 6 cherry shrimp. The problem is the cherry shrimp are hard to find so wanted to add more. How many could I have in my tank thanks from tom


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First you should add a few more tetras they prefer to be in schools of 6 or more. Throw in about 10 more RCS, I have a similar tank with some 90 RCS ( at last count ) and some days I do not see any other days they are like ants, Even my betta cant eat them as fast as they breed.
Thanks for that. I did have 6 tetra but they have slowly died off over the past years and I'm not looking to replace them which is why their are only 4 in their at the moment. I was thinking of increasing it to 20 RCS all together but do it in stages and how cheap do you guys get them they are about £3.00 from around my area.
They are about $3 AUD where I live.
If you lived close by I would give you a bunch free. They breed like ants,I have so many in my 2 foot tank I am using live RCS as treats for my Firemouth Cichlids and chopped up RCS as treats for my Mollies Platies and BN plecos, The Kuhli loaches get all the ones the betta kills and don’t eat.

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