How long does my guppy have left?


New Member
Feb 23, 2020
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Hi just wondering if anyone has an idea of how long my guppy has left please


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Shes very close. She is squared off and her vent is open
Do you plan of keeping the fry? if so make sure the other fish are well fed and catch the fry with a cup or turkey baster and put them in a fry net or another tank. The mollies will go after them. My guppies leave their fry alone.
Do you plan of keeping the fry? if so make sure the other fish are well fed and catch the fry with a cup or turkey baster and put them in a fry net or another tank. The mollies will go after them. My guppies leave their fry alone.
Yes I'm hoping to keep a few I have a breeding net but don't want to stress her by using it so will keep an eye on her and hopefully get to the babies before my mollies thanks for the advice
Yes I'm hoping to keep a few I have a breeding net but don't want to stress her by using it so will keep an eye on her and hopefully get to the babies before my mollies thanks for the advice
Keep the mollies well fed and they may leave the fry alone long enough for you to catch them. Good luck

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