House Fire

If the fire was downstairs and it happened at night, I'd have no chance of even saving the dog who sleeps in the kitchen. I would grab my son and jump us out of the bedroom window. The man? He can save himself, he is big enough :shifty:
Do you mind me asking how old you are FishBlast? There's going to come a point where you're going to have to go ahead and live your life, get a job etc whether you've got their approval or not.

Tbh, most schools around the world don't qualify you for any specific jobs - that's what higher education is for. In the UK you get a bunch of GCSEs which will tell employers you're competent in English, Maths etc, but if you want to get qualified for a specific job, that's up to you.
I'm 22 years old. And I have been telling them that but they don't trust me anyway. And in a way they do have the right to be suspicious of business offers. A former friend of mine tried 2 call centers, one was British and the other was French.
The first one required that she'd pester people to buy products even by lying to them, telling them that they did say they would buy stuff but they didn't. (kind of like how adware goes on your computer, but this being just people bugging you on the phone). When the boss told her to try flirting with the people, she quit. Lol.
And about her job for the French call center... she seemed very... changed once she went there. o_O idk what happened to her. She was never the same since then. -_- Who knows what they did to her.

And I am waiting for college but I have to wait till summer when we can sign up and there's a test that I am not sure I can pass as it requires a video camera to record a mini-movie related to a given theme. Basically I want to be a movie script writer but also a movie director if possible.

The UK has it a lot easier. Romania just closed a bunch of colleges because there are too many people that couldn't get passed the bacalaureate (mostly because teachers haven't been doing their jobs and kids started ignoring high school because nobody was taking it serious). Our education is at ground level, our jobs barely give you the bare necessities (if even that) and there are more cases of firing than hiring.

Sometimes these are things you've gotta learn for yourself by going out there and doing them. It's very hard to get a job here in the UK. I'm 25, and I've spent 18 years of my life in education. I got my A levels, went to university, then I went back to college again for some more. I have more qualifications than I can count, and yet I've been out of education coming up three years now and I still can't find a job. The sad thing is that I got an interview within the first few weeks of starting to apply for jobs and it seemed to be going well. Since then I've had two more in the space of almost three years. Really annoys me because I know I'm not underqualified. I just want to go to these companies and see who they picked who was better than me, because I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I have a weekend job right now and I've been there when the managers are picking new staff. They get so many applications they can afford to reject applicants on the basis of really stupid tiny things like untidy handwriting, spelling mistakes, anything which will whittle down the pile to a few worth interviewing.

Do you mind me asking how old you are FishBlast? There's going to come a point where you're going to have to go ahead and live your life, get a job etc whether you've got their approval or not.

Tbh, most schools around the world don't qualify you for any specific jobs - that's what higher education is for. In the UK you get a bunch of GCSEs which will tell employers you're competent in English, Maths etc, but if you want to get qualified for a specific job, that's up to you.
I'm 22 years old. And I have been telling them that but they don't trust me anyway. And in a way they do have the right to be suspicious of business offers. A former friend of mine tried 2 call centers, one was British and the other was French.
The first one required that she'd pester people to buy products even by lying to them, telling them that they did say they would buy stuff but they didn't. (kind of like how adware goes on your computer, but this being just people bugging you on the phone). When the boss told her to try flirting with the people, she quit. Lol.
And about her job for the French call center... she seemed very... changed once she went there. o_O idk what happened to her. She was never the same since then. -_- Who knows what they did to her.

And I am waiting for college but I have to wait till summer when we can sign up and there's a test that I am not sure I can pass as it requires a video camera to record a mini-movie related to a given theme. Basically I want to be a movie script writer but also a movie director if possible.

The UK has it a lot easier. Romania just closed a bunch of colleges because there are too many people that couldn't get passed the bacalaureate (mostly because teachers haven't been doing their jobs and kids started ignoring high school because nobody was taking it serious). Our education is at ground level, our jobs barely give you the bare necessities (if even that) and there are more cases of firing than hiring.

Sometimes these are things you've gotta learn for yourself by going out there and doing them. It's very hard to get a job here in the UK. I'm 25, and I've spent 18 years of my life in education. I got my A levels, went to university, then I went back to college again for some more. I have more qualifications than I can count, and yet I've been out of education coming up three years now and I still can't find a job. The sad thing is that I got an interview within the first few weeks of starting to apply for jobs and it seemed to be going well. Since then I've had two more in the space of almost three years. Really annoys me because I know I'm not underqualified. I just want to go to these companies and see who they picked who was better than me, because I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I have a weekend job right now and I've been there when the managers are picking new staff. They get so many applications they can afford to reject applicants on the basis of really stupid tiny things like untidy handwriting, spelling mistakes, anything which will whittle down the pile to a few worth interviewing.
I've learned by myself to fix some computer problems and to build computers or change hardware. I've learned how to use some software that is used in graphic designs although I still have a lot to learn. I've learned a bit about marketing but I'm not willing to do what I already do on a larger scale, it's tiring the heck out of me to do daily research on products and so far only 3 sources to check.
Yet no opportunities to put the stuff I know better to do to use. And there's no way I'll dwell in mathematics again. Came from a school with that. I ended up hating maths because I was being leeched on by classmates AND because the teacher was asking money for the lessons.

At least I hope the interviews you get there aren't just "Here's the paper, please complete it". I'd expect a person to ask you questions and analyze your reactions and answers to them. Else they might as well put an online query or something. -.-
They usually do ask you questions and stuff when I get an interview. The way things are going right now, I'd kill for even just a "here's the paper, please complete it" interview.
They usually do ask you questions and stuff when I get an interview. The way things are going right now, I'd kill for even just a "here's the paper, please complete it" interview.
Yeah but then all you'd get in return is a judgment based on your answers which may or may not be true (and they cannot see you either to know if you are what they are looking for - confident etc).
-.- I think there's more luck in Romania starting off as a garage band if you have the friends to gather with and some instruments. Then you can just get in the tops. If I look at what has become of music nowadays... I think pretty much anyone has a chance o_O because there are times I wonder how some people ever got there when they lack talent. Unless they just had a relative that works in the industry...

Jobs nowadays seem to have a requirement: You or a relative must know someone who knows someone in order to get you in the business.
Well, it depends on how many fish you have and how big of a tank...

In my apartment, I have around £10000 worth of computer and photography equipment, I'd probably save that first... As for the fish, I would probably try to catch a few of my favorites, then crack the tank so the water would stop the fire from coming inside (a little). 300L of water is A LOT.

Some of you talked about family photos, I have mine in this Pelican case with my hard drives, back up drives, a MacBook, a phone and some food... This case protects equipment very well, and it's waterproof. I don't think it's fire resistant tough. ;)
LOl id love to see half of you with your fish net trying to cacth a fish whilst your house is on fire.
My grandma had a fire many years ago and lost all of our family heirlooms and photos. There were painted portraits from the early 1800s. Irreplaceable. Generations from now, I'm sure my family would appreciate the photos I saved. :)

SO I'd grab the laptop! It's all digital these days :lol:
As much as I love my fish, they're gonna be on their own if there was a massive fire, I do value their lives, just not as much as mine.


I dare say the general view is that the fish are on their own. I agree. I'd go as far as using the tank water to attempt to restrict the fire!

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