Horseface Loaches


Fish Crazy
Oct 23, 2020
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SF Bay Area CA
In my rearrangement of living quarters for my various fish...I moved a 6 inch horse face loach to my 100 gal tank. I haven't seen him for over a week now I know that he dived deep in the substrate, 2 -3 inches of black diamond sand. I wondering if anybody have seen their Horseface loaches. In the previous 55 gal, with Caribe Eco gravel I would seen every so often.
I have one of them. I see it maybe 3 times a year. I thought it long dead, until I went crazy cleaning my substrate about a month or so ago, and low and behold, I almost sucked the little guy up in the siphon! Ain't seen it since. I assume it is still alive somewhere in there, doing its thang.

Horseheads and khuli loaches I have found are reclusive. They come out at night and search for food. I have both and have not seen any khuli's is ages, but I know they are there because where they live has the tell tale hole in the substrate under the decoration.

They are cool fish when ya see them tho...
It might took you ages to find him, loaches are like that you know.
At least loaches aren't poisonous. We got in a stonefish at the shop and nobody labelled the tank or told me. I was cleaning the tanks and picked this rock up to move it and it was the stonefish. It was half buried in sand and only its dorsal fin was sticking up. It just looked like a rock and when I grabbed it, the damn thing moved. I had a brown trouser moment and then did my nut because nobody had put a dangerous fish sign on the tank.

So whilst you may not see your eels and loaches, you don't have to worry about them killing you if you accidentally touch them.

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