Honey gourami breeding questions.

I don't have a net, but I can get one if he gets more aggressive. She doesn't look stressed, she is just swimming away, ignoring him and does her own thing ? ?. They are very fun to watch, to me it looks like this,
Male: ''Hey girl, I am so strong and handsome, check those fins.''
Female: '' I am going to play hard to get, but eventually give in because I secretly like you.''
I am probably wrong since fish don't think like us, but that's how it looks like right now and it's funny.
A kind of... run after me so I get you ??
Keep an eye on them. Sometimes male harasses female so much that she dies of exhaustion and stress. Reason why they need heavily planted tank + hiding places.
Another update:
The female is more brave and swimming around, the male spends most of his day staring at the bubble nest.

The last hour though, I've noticed the biggest change in their behaviour.
The male is getting close, flaring and wiggling his tail at her and trying to make her chase him towards the bubble nest. She actually starts following him now and they had a quick dance near the bubble nest, no spawning yet, but I think they are courting now.
Hello :)
You really should provide a net/mosquito net thin enough so that the fry (if any) can be separated from the parents as soon as they swim free.
You really should provide a net/mosquito net thin enough so that the fry (if any) can be separated from the parents as soon as they swim free.
I think by the time they are ready to spawn and the fry to hatch/free swim, the quarantine will be over, I will move the adults to the main tank and leave the fry in the quarantine tank.
What water is in QT and how many times do you waterchange it ?
I remineralize RO water for the main and the QT tank, so they are pretty much the same, I do a 40% water change the main tank every 7-10 days and a 30% on the QT every week if I have fish in it, if not, then I store it away, sterilize the sponge filter and seed it in the main tank in case I need to use the QT again. I don't check the water parameters in the main tank often, maybe every 2 weeks since it is quite stable and if there is an issue, the cherry shrimp change their behaviour, but I check the QT regularly just in case.
The sponge filter was in the main tank for a few weeks so the QT was pretty much instantly cycled and I pick up the waste and uneaten food with a turkey blaster daily, plus the honeys are pretty small and don't produce a lot of waste. I also add some seachem stability for 7 days.
Good idea ?
In France we call this a pear after its shape. Cooking leads to everything :lol:
I moved them to the main tank 6 days ago since there was no breeding.
20 minutes ago, she followed him twice under the nest and they ''hugged''. She didn't release any eggs, but I think it is finally happening and might have babies very soon??.

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