I have been keeping marine aquariums for 6 years and have never struggled maintaining all my water parameters at adequate levels.
However, when I recently set up a 14g tropical aquarium, I've met my match it seems. No matter what I do I cannot get my pH and CO2 levels in an acceptable range. An no, I am not chasing pH. My values are off the charts.
Temp: 25C
Alk: 3dKH (I dropped it gradually from 5dKH in the hope this would help)
pH: 7.8
GH: 8dKH
According to this table, my CO2 level is 1.4ppm, but should ideally be 15 - 25ppm. That means a pH of about 6.8 for this alkalinity level. Clearly I am way out.
The tank only has a return pump - no other flow. Surface agitation is very low, just enough to break any films developing on the surface. I have added four plants. One piece of driftwood (which I cooked for 15 minutes before adding it to the tank). The tank has been up for 2 weeks. Only livestock is one male betta.
Any advice? I have read countless articles that you do not need a high tech setup to keep tropical fish. But at this stage it seems like I need to go buy a CO2 reactor, which I really do not want to do.
Oh yes - I am using RO water that I remineralise using Seachem Equilibrium (GH supplement), and add Seachem alkalinity buffer and acid buffer in a 2:1 ratio. I have no choice and cannot use my tap water as is as it has a TDS of 17ppm, Alk = 0dKH and GH = 0dKH.
However, when I recently set up a 14g tropical aquarium, I've met my match it seems. No matter what I do I cannot get my pH and CO2 levels in an acceptable range. An no, I am not chasing pH. My values are off the charts.
Temp: 25C
Alk: 3dKH (I dropped it gradually from 5dKH in the hope this would help)
pH: 7.8
GH: 8dKH
According to this table, my CO2 level is 1.4ppm, but should ideally be 15 - 25ppm. That means a pH of about 6.8 for this alkalinity level. Clearly I am way out.
The tank only has a return pump - no other flow. Surface agitation is very low, just enough to break any films developing on the surface. I have added four plants. One piece of driftwood (which I cooked for 15 minutes before adding it to the tank). The tank has been up for 2 weeks. Only livestock is one male betta.
Any advice? I have read countless articles that you do not need a high tech setup to keep tropical fish. But at this stage it seems like I need to go buy a CO2 reactor, which I really do not want to do.
Oh yes - I am using RO water that I remineralise using Seachem Equilibrium (GH supplement), and add Seachem alkalinity buffer and acid buffer in a 2:1 ratio. I have no choice and cannot use my tap water as is as it has a TDS of 17ppm, Alk = 0dKH and GH = 0dKH.