HELP ME!!!!!


Fish Crazy
Oct 7, 2003
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ok, this was not how it was suposed to happen and i need mega help here. about three months ago i got myself a husky dog from a rescue group. THEY TOLD ME SHE WAS FIXED!! ive never had an unfixed dog, i always get resuces cause i know there are too many dogs out there already. she has been acting kinda wired latley, but i had no idea what it was. anyhow we always run up to the store for excercise, and today when i came out of the store, SHE WAS MATTING!! thankfully some lady told me just wait it out cause i wasnt going to get them apart. so now what, im going to have puppies? how do you have puppies? how many? does anyone know anything about this. should i take her to the vet? OHMYGODHELPME!
im a little nerve racked about this if you cant tell. any information would be nice.
Ok, first of all calm down... I know how hard that might be, but everything will be ok...

How do you know she isn't fixed? Spayed dogs can still mate... If you don't know for sure if she isn't fixed, I'd definitely take her to the vet ASAP & find out for sure. Usually a scar on their lower abdomen will be an indicator of surgery...

If she isn't fixed & did end up getting fertilized (which is 100% for sure with every mating) then you're going to have to be prepared for puppies. If she's full husky, huskies don't usually have that large of litters, between 1-5 pups USUALLY. If she's a mix, then there's no way to tell. You're going to need to get her on a special diet for pregnant dogs and make a whelping box. There's obviously other things that you'll need to do, but before worrying about all of it, I suggest you make sure she's pregnant first. HTH :*
Right before my dog got fixed she mated and the vet told me as long as I took her to the vet within two weeks they wouldn't charge me extra to get her fixed and have them aborted. I took her 2 days later. If you don't really want the pups,you could always keep that option in mind. Myself,I kept HALF of the last litter we had so I refuse. :unsure:
she is alaskan husky, which kinda means mutt that can race, so she might have lots of pups? how long is the gestation period for dogs? how long will this darn male mutt hang around for? we dont know where he came from. he is a husky/lab, will that change things? i could ask qiuestions all day, but im also googling it to learn as much as i can. thanks guys and bear with me. :thumbs:
If you shave low on her belly, you may be able to see a scar from a spay, if their was one.
The gestation period for dogs is 63 days... The male is hanging around your house? I wouldn't let her out w/o you being by herside, to prevent them from mating again. If she's not pregnant now, if they mate again, there's a good chance she will become pregnant. Does she have a scar on her lower abdomen? Can you call the lady you got her from & find out for sure if she's spayed? And yes, if you take her to the vet w/i a week or 2, they'll fix her & give her an abortion....
i dont see a scar, so i guess im going to have pups. well, here we go! thanks for your help. :thumbs:

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